It’s almost as if, when you make a movie that is good and that has women and people of color in key roles, women and people of color will go see it and white men won’t be scared away either.
It’s almost as if, when you make a movie that is good and that has women and people of color in key roles, women and people of color will go see it and white men won’t be scared away either.
As a food scientist, I can tell you that sex is extremely important in food preparation. It’s not a matter of gender; it’s entirely biological. A few science facts:
The United States: A country without a single public museum dedicated to the history of slavery, but numerous museums and memorials dedicated to the glorification of slavers.
Good on you for being conscious of the kids’ feelings during this time. Even the logistics can add to the stress - who can go where or when, gifts, etc. Add a step-parent into the mix and things get even weirder. For years, my cousin and his new wife would schlep his kids across the country to visit her parents nearly…
And THIS is why I don’t fight with my ex about holidays. He and his second wife demand to have my kids on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Spring Break every year. It’s dickish, totally selfish, and unfair. I resent the hell out of it. But, I refuse to make my children feel like they have to pick a…
Having spent decades trying to be fair to both parents, I can testify as to Christmas being the hardest part of a divorce-kid’s year. My folks were not easy people to get along with, especially my dad, but toward the end of his life, I know it meant a lot to him to see me. He was poor as shit and his place smelled…
Hope you have a better day today! The Holidays can be exhausting.
I feel you so hard. I have shared custody of my 2 oldest with my ex husband, and things can get painful. For instance, he demands them every single Christmas (including Eve) and Thanksgiving. Part of this comes from his second wife, who loves to feel like she can control them. Unlike Madonna, I’ve let him do this,…
It’s frustrating to see how many commenters think he’s being an obnoxious teenager for choosing to live with his dad. Maybe that’s true, but it’s also entirely possible that his other parent’s home is unsafe/unhealthy/unsupportive.
she mopes around here like HE’S the asshole
To be fair, your son is 28.
“...the case against him began when he Snapchatted a picture of his penis to a 16-year-old; the girl told her parents, who called the FBI.”
You also failed to mention my son scoring his first basket in his basketball league.
Here’s a fun, off-topic thing that happened several years ago:
Pragmatic POV just points to countries where abortion is illegal yet the rate of abortions is higher than the US (off the top of my head, Brazil). Alas, logic and facts have no place in the abortion debate in the US.
Moral issues aside, even from a pragmatic POV, denying abortions leads to suffering for both women and children. That’s not folklore but well established fact in the US and elsewhere.
There is going to be a rise in the number of cases like this due to the limit in access to abortion and birth control services. More and more women and girls are going to attempt self abortion. Making it harder for women and girls to get abortions won’t stop them from doing dangerous and risky things to get one. Even…
I appreciate your in-depth response and we are certainly on the same page in many respects.
“it’s complicated, but has a lot too do with how they were taught to see themselves as bad people.”