
I have American family, and the biggest difference that I can see between us is the whole gun culture. Canada has lots of gun lovers, but the culture around it is pretty different. Also, from visiting the US I think protestant christianity is more on display there.

kind-sounding sarcasm helps me deal with the stupid. something absurd like “Yes, all women are liars.” or “Following the law is so hard.” with sad voice and condescending arm pats before inserting headphone in ears and tuning it all out.

They’re thinking the usual: victims were looking for money, went to school/church with him/sister/parents, can’t see him doing this, barf barf barf.

How could they do this? Simple. It’s called the law. Something you were supposed to uphold, not break.

Somewhere, a ‘STICK TO SPORTS!!1!!1!’ Deadspin commenter sits in front of a computer screen, sweating, unable to move, broken.

Many who would seek help are made to be ashamed of their struggles by those who repeat ignorant untruths. You are actively harming people with your ignorance. Go Google.

Now playing

I’ve posted this before, but in the hopes of reminding people up above (the ones that think she’s “abandoned” the very children she’s calling her babies and begging to see for Christ’s sake whatever!) what sort of a person S O’C is, this is her at 24 getting booed off stage at the Dylan concert a few days after

If anyone reading this is feeling suicidal right now, remember that you are not alone, and that you don’t have to fix this all by yourself. What you are experiencing is very, very hard, but you will not always feel like this. Things are going to get better.

It translates to, basically, “Sinead, you are beautiful and loved. Remember your Irish spirit and don’t let the bastards get you down.”

I think people, particularly in America, remember her for ripping the photo of the Pope on Saturday Night Live but don’t remember what for.

Agree. Her openness about mental illness and her commitment to social reform say much about her character. I didn’t know until recently that she spent some time in the Magdalen Homes. She has been through so much.

Those that are mentally ill are much more likely to be victim of violence than perpetrator.

I feel terrible for Sinead. I grew up in Ireland and watched her go from a really strong, talented young woman who always had to guts to talk to power and took responsibility for way more than it was really her job to carry, to someone who just seemed to feel constantly harassed and lost in life, and with good reason.

“Working in government usually blows, but being President? Fuck yeah, that’s the stuff.”

For anyone justifiably curious about what might prompt Austrian-born women to leave Europe and willingly join a group of sadistic, misogynist theocrats, this report might provide some answers.

The issue is that people do actually need to talk things over. Deliberation provides a very important role in allowing people to air concerns about the case and talk it over with other people who’ve sat through the same trial. A juror who was 90% of the way towards a guilty vote, but had some concerns that he wanted

Wow. Good for him. It’s really nice to see a Christian who is truly living out the values of his religion. Still, what a horrendous thing to have to go through. To find your wife’s body... I can’t even imagine...

Me and Cindymoo are moving there, despite the cold weather. We plan on getting a winter condo someplace warm like Limon, Costa Rica anyway when we retire.

I want to wear a black version of the pink feathery one while I mourn Kitchenette and Millihelen. :(