
I didn’t have great answers for her, and honestly, in an effort to minimize your negative impact and what was otherwise a really fun day, I redirected her attention to the cheerleaders and mascot.

[Nick Collison sits up suddenly, wide-eyed]

Right, crossing the gender line just reifies and reinforces the gender binary. What complete nonsense and double-talk. In case you hadn’t noticed, in order to get where they’re going, even if it’s from one end of the “binary” to another, most trans people have to go through a public transition. They can’t disappear on

Yes, yes. You have a killer “Miseducation” pun burning a hole in your keyboard. We know; we all thought the same thing.

what is intersectionality, alex.

Ha! You caught me. None of us are even literate.

So every trans, and nonbinary person who stood up during the stonewall riots (and marked the first serious public discussion of change in the US) doesn’t matter? Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson didn’t help spark a movement for this bullshit. This is literally the attitude hinted at in the movie Stonewall come to

I think what a lot of people are forgetting is that Kennedy has been an ally for the pro-choice movement for a while now - recall that he was in the plurality opinion in Casey!

That’s true. But - and though I don’t know the specifics of the Mississippi case as well as I do this Texas one - I’m wondering if the fact that the Mississippi law was shot down by a different panel of the 5th Circuit matters to the justices. It’s not a Circuit split, but I can imagine the Court being uncomfortable

The reasons I don’t think the conservatives voted to take the case are (1) it’s unusual for the SC to take a case only to uphold what Circuit court already did, unless there’s a Circuit split and (2) the conservatives wouldn’t vote to take it unless they were fairly sure they’d have their 5th vote to overturn, and

Both can always join the Quakers, making it the new super religion. My mom would be so happy.

This is the best, most concise articulation of this idea. I actually wrote about this case for a journal at my law school that is being published this year (hopefully before the justices hear the case) and I completely agree with you. The four liberal justices would not put the reproductive freedom and health of women

I think this is a good sign. The 5th Circuit upheld the law, but in June the Supreme Court (4 liberals + Kennedy) blocked enactment of the law until the appeal was resolved. So, I don’t believe the Supreme Court would take the case unless they wanted to reverse. (Generally, the SC doesn’t take a case unless the

I think it’s more that male grooming standards are being applied to a woman.

and, in so many words, because it’s the only way they can keep her from being sexually assaulted

Um, here’s an idea - if you think the men in a prison will assault a woman for looking like a woman, maybe put the woman in a women’s prison? Just saying.

I am going to miss this woman terribly, and am hoping beyond all hopes someone keeps her shop open. When I got married a couple years ago, the wedding boutique suggested I check out her lingerie shop for a bra to go with my wedding dress. I have an extremely narrow back than is typical of my cup size, and Macys,

That sounds more like her own personality issues than something caused by her being a body builder. Like if she were a chef she’d think she were better than other chefs. Or if she was an actress, or fisherman, or lumberjack, or seamstress or whatever.

I’m a competitive powerlifter—I actually broke the all time world record total in the 123 lb weight class and hold that as well as the world record deadlift of 454 for the 123 lb weight class. Yes, I have video, no I’m not making this shit up, can provide world record certificates/video upon request. My sport runs

I hate this attitude that talking about money is vulgar. Yeah, it can be if people are bragging or using it to push other people down. If it’s a frank discussion about what everyone is making and where people stand in a company, than we need to have that talk.