
Those eyes are definitely not dead. In fact when she is sleeping I assume that sneak out of her skull and go bar hopping.

Right? It could practically be the cover for the Robin Thicke Christmas album that nobody wants.

well thank goodness

I hope he’s also lying about running for President.

You saying you have a problem with holographic doctors?

So...he didn’t hit his mom with a hammer, didn’t stab a guy, didn’t witness a holdup at Popeye’s, didn’t get a scholarship to West Point. What is true about this guy? Is he really a surgeon, or is he merely pretending to be one? Is he actually a hologram?

I graduated from Yale in the last 10 years, and SAE guys have always been sketchy. The idea of “local unemployed townies” from New Haven trying to come to a Yale frat party is completely preposterous, especially given the central location of the SAE house. Occasionally, students from Quinnipiac University would take

Uhh I also went to an “Ivy, maybe Yale” and it doesn’t matter if they “looked very townie and not so much Yaley” (by the way, what the hell is that supposed to mean?) If they were saying “white girls only” that is sure as hell racist.

We can hope that more research will result in the means to combat this unfortunate trend.

eh, I read her book a long time ago; she’s had a tough life. If this brings her comfort, I’m ok with it

stassa (along with rachel vorona cote and a handful of other people i feel grateful every time i edit) are a better argument for liberal arts postgraduate education than anything else i have experienced, including my own liberal arts postgraduate education. everything is patient and brilliant and careful and ethical

Definitely Irish. There are no other people who can deliver an insult with such beauty, poetry and loveliness. I knew a Dubliner in my sports group who could casually toss off a jibe so well that there was a good five-second delay before the other guy tried to punch him in the mouth.

I met her this summer when she visited my reservation. It was so cool. She is so down to earth and approachable.

I’m a guy, and this horrifies me more than I can express.

I hear what you’re saying, and I understand that most people think that way.The problem is that people who are addicted are medically, psychologically not capable of not using at that time. Substance abuse and mental illness are so intertwined that it is more akin to “you can’t turn off the using because you can’t

I’m sure I’m courting the vitriol of the community now, but I have to say it: alcoholism is accepted by the medical community as a disease, yet alcoholics are still met with scorn, derision, and condemnation. Also, consider that substance abuse is very often seen in tandem with mental illness, another much maligned

Wait a minute. Is he trying to tell us that they do both oral AND intercourse? And sometimes oral that LEADS to intercourse?! Well I’d thought I’d seen it all...

It’s a bad policy. I don’t need to ask anyone to know that. Officials are playing the big picture/little picture game and a side effect of it will be the overall devaluing of human life by those being told to institute those policies. What’s a little rape among allies when ignoring child sex slavery is on the daily

I read about this subject recently. Apparently, it’s common in Afghanistan for men to “own” underage male sex slaves called Tea Boys. American troops have reported hearing and seeing Afghan troops assaulting Tea Boys and being told to do nothing about it. Absolutely horrific for the boys and for the troops enduring

How are they not then going to put that same thought to their own actions? Why is it ok to witness and not intervene in child rape or enslavement of any kind? And no, I don’t care it’s not OUR culture, if we’re already on the ground in these places and people there want our help, then they need to also get our morals.