
Let’s be honest: if you’ve reached a point where you’re trashing a Subway, statistically speaking you are probably at least in a state of partial undress...

“I think the most important thing here is to make sure it’s clear that we are not tone deaf and we’re aware of a renewed focus on certain issues.”

Humans? This was Texas. Home of the inhuman impotent revenge fantasy and prioritizing football loyalties above all else.

Egging on the guy to shoot the other guy in the head.

In a perfect world, ten and 11 year olds wouldn’t be sexually active, all pregnancies would be planned, and we would take care of those unable to fully care for themselves.

I was put on hormonal birth control when I was ten to try to control my periods, which were occurring twice a month. Not so out of the realm of possibilities.

I’m teaching analysis in my course right now, and how to look for an author’s assumptions.

I wonder if he will let me ride his bear.

guys look vladimir has a kinja account


Needs to at least be asked: did you get her OK before posting this?

I am with my kids all day, every day from 7am to 7pm. I am not worried about “missing out” because I'm texting my brother while they play. I'm so sick of this crap. My mother wasn't staring at me the whole time I was growing up, and thank goodness for that. Who wants to sit and watch fucking soccer practice? We always

Also, given that ‘can you hear me now’ was Verizon’s slogan and Snowden’s leaks included a court order for Verizon’s phone records, I would say it’s pretty pointed at the NSA.

Yesterday’s tragedy was in my hometown. Suffice it to say that my level of rage that gun violence occurs so frequently, and is so seemingly acceptable to a large proportion of the U.S. population, is palpable today.

Not to detract away from the rapes and murders because those are awful, it was nice to read that she was heard by the authorities and the judge didn't just throw her into prison and that the system worked for her. I super fucking needed that today.

The funny (but not really) thing is that ‘alpha’ males are bitching that women only want to fuck the ‘lesser’ ‘beta’ males now and can’t handle manly men.

The ingenious waitress’ name has been lost to history, but the Legend of The Waitress With The World’s Driest Sense Of Humor is still whispered to this very day.

The Reuben one reminded me of a story Terry Pratchett told. He said that one jet-lagged evening he accidently asked for Three Mile Island dressing for his salad. The waitress didn’t say a word, just brought him Thousand Island dressing and a bottle of hot sauce.

Looking for someone who will fight for Canadian conservatism? Urine luck!

And probably a fair number of agile women.