o.o #UsesMilitaryJargonInBattlefieldBecauseARMA
o.o #UsesMilitaryJargonInBattlefieldBecauseARMA
Wait, is this like...like a microtransaction for fantasy football? God dammit.
$3.99 for unlimited switches
I wish I had this feature for subtlety telling my wife that she doesn’t fit into that dress anymore.
My buddy started Hoyer over Palmer this week. Moments like this are the reason I play fantasy football, so I can kick friends while they’re down and they’re forced to live in shame for a week.
Wait, so the money is paid to NFL.com and not the members of your league that you’re trying to cheat?
That interview is how I imagine a conversation between a high school bully and a principal would be like.
I don’t get all the hate. He sounds like a great guy. If a teammate were ever in trouble, I’m sure Richie would be the first to stick his neck out if he had one.
‘When health insurance and sick days are costly and precarious, the prospect of having to tend to a kid with a broken leg for six weeks is enough to make a mom... nervously remind her kid not to climb too high on the jungle gym.’
Ah, “progressive” California. Polio is almost eradicated? Stop vaccinating children. Local taxis are standardized and accountable? Invent Uber. Disease and insects no longer threaten crops? Buy organic. Playgrounds are too safe? A hero rises in Menlo Park.
This guy is a fucking asshole.
“Let me, a man, tell you, women, how to mom.”
Silicon Valley “big think” checklist:
The ’60s were a time of American prosperity not seen since, and that prosperity had social ripples that enabled suburban kids to grow up like Mike Lanza. Today, roaming free in a safe place is an enormous privilege for most American kids. Helicopter parents are a symptom of outrageous income inequality, not maternal…
Inviting neighborhood kids over to play in a backyard you’ve gone on record describing as “high risk” is, in legal terminology, a really bad idea.
He’s a parent who saw a problem with the trend towards helicopter parenting and chose to do something about it.
Nah, he just sounds like an asshole bully who never grew out of being an asshole bully. He seems to be unable to distinguish between healthy play and letting kids be assholes to each other. And now he works in the asshole bully lab called Silicon Valley where they are doing “research” on how to transform the world…