Muab Dib

I’m glad to see Marvel is working with Dan Harmon. I’ve been saying for awhile that Marvel needs to hire him to spoof the MCU with a Howard the Duck movie.

please, he’s one of the most genuine people in Washington. granted that’s a low bar, but he’d clear even the highest bars of that measure.

3/10 try harder next time

Iodized for your health.

Eight wins in the front, four losses in the back.

If you have read any of the stories about him and what he’s gone through his entire life, you’ll see that he’s a man who has nothing left to lose, and that makes him dangerous

Wrong. IIRC, he and three buddies jumped a dude because the guy was Asian. There is no fucking universe in which that makes him a badass. He’s just an ass.

No, he just said Muhammad Ali inspired him and he’s trying to follow the path Ali laid out

Ok, so let me get this straight:

Shut the fuck up, Donny. 


Morris Sackett won the MVP award every year he’s been on his five-time championship NBA team. He’s a braggart who dates a sexpot pop star and talks trash about his teammates. 

[citation needed]

Is it any better or worse than playing the game as a psychotic killer and criminal as intended?

This effectively creates an entirely new class of cosplay that nobody had really thought about before, one which I seriously want to explore. Entire cosplays that are merely awesome accessories to other peoples’ cosplays...

My buddy signed back up for DVDs in the mail last month. Totally backwards, I know. But the Netflix DVD collection basically have every movie and every TV Show ever produced in the format.

While discussing the Luke Cage series, a buddy of mine wondered out loud “If there were really white folks that freaked out over the blackness of Luke Cage, what are they going to do with the Black Panther movie?”

Ah yes, the tried-and-true “acting aggressively” line when a non-white person has the audacity to ask a question of the people discriminating against them.

Are you...