
Eh. Cars like this are owned by people often with more money than sense and it’s easy to lose control a vehicle with that much power when you have no sense. People hit stationary objects sober with alarming frequency because many people are just shit drivers.

There’s trash pickup, it’s just not municipal. Lots of towns leave it to people to contract whichever company they want. It’s mostly a suburban thing. We had it that way in my town for years but the town went to a single vendor a year or so ago.

Most of these recruiters were held to annoyingly low standards to begin with. Like 90% of the ones I get contact from, not only am I not looking but if I was theirs wouldn’t match. Like I get that my resume hit you on a keyword match for “supply chain” but your job is 3k miles away, pays less, and is requiring

It's an interesting conundrum. For 99% of people they get on a bus, pay or show their pass, sit down, and that's it. They don't need help figuring it out and don't need help getting on or off. But some do and and when they do the driver is able to step in.  The driver also (sort of) has the ability to make a

It sounds absurd but in the short term it makes sense. Monitoring the technology. Now is what proves it out so it doesn't need to be monitored eventually.  Likewise the person assisting may not need to be there once society is generally used to handling the system. At that point you can probably just have a call

And probably give incorrect history facts and be tricked into saying something tragically racist at the same time.

I believe that you believe that.

I’m not having a conversation with an “AI” chat bot over a car accident. Not mow, not ever.  I’ll hold my license and phone number in front of a camera, snap a Pic of the other car's plate then I'll leave and report it to my own insurance. That's it.

“the point” is the you don't even know what your own point or position is.

I can’t wait for the autonomous hellscape where an incident with a driverless vehicle means waiting on hold for an hour regardless of who may be at fault because the company operation it can’t be bothered to have a person involved in that either.

Reliable ones do not. The technology isn’t even reliable outside of a car. It’s borderline junk foisted only on people who have proven that they specifically cannot be trusted due to previous violations of the law.

Yup, someone in a domestic abuse situation gets a bottle of vodka thrown at them, they run to the car, car wont start, and they get murdered.

Batteries, phones, and keys aren’t an additional barrier the government forced you to have.  This will be. Key fobs also don’t have false positives where an otherwise functional key sits there and goes “you know what I don’t think you’re who you say you are, we’re not starting.”

Many giveaways, including ones he’s done in the past, cover the tax costs of the prize w/ an additional cash offset. This isn’t the episode of the Andry Griffith show where Aunt Bee won all those kitchen appliances and had to give them all away bc they couldn’t afford the taxes. (Not gonna lie one of my favorites)

But real charity doesn’t need to be filmed. It just happens.

Also- lots of things are legislated into existence. Like catalytic converters, airbags, OBDII, headrests, etc.

The burden shifting in this is is hilariously impressive.  BTW I invented a machine that reads your mind to make sure you’re not a rapist.  If it doesn’t say you aren’t safe you must register as a sex offender.    Any insinuation that this device is unreliable is “speculation on your part” based on your head being

If they even get this to exist (legislating it doesn’t make the technology to do it magically exist) I can’t wait to see the shitstorm the first time someone dies or gets hurt because a false lockout prevents them from using their vehicle in a genuine emergency. 

“To reinvent the wheel is to attempt to duplicate—most likely with inferior results—a basic method that has already previously been created or optimized by others.”
