
Other than the crosses, this looks like something I would have used the money cheat to build in the sims when I Was 14.

The cop wrote the ticket.  The entire scenario only happened because the dumbass cop enforced a law he made up on the spot.

There’s always at least one bootlicker in here. Cops who abuse their authority to enforce laws that don’t exist absolutely should pay out of pocket for the trouble they cause. Until they do they will never act with restraint or accountability.

Whatever you say bootlicker.

Nice projecting. 

The only good cop is an ex cop.  

Bitch why would I want to be a security guard when I have a real job that pays more?

Whatever you need to tell yourself, bootlicker.

Your father in law is a piece of shit and so are you.  Don’t come crying to me when they forget you have a tenuous connection to them and shoot your dog for fun.

Sorry I should have said “almost every.”   There are some that are just enabling scumbags who gets their rocks off protecting other cops who do. 

I invite you to change up from the taste of boot leather for a moment and suck my dick, bootlicker.

Granted anyone who uses the “you must be fun at parties” line of critique is already operating like an inbred, brain damaged trog who can’t tell basic contextual situations apart from each other, but holy shit this is the dumbest and worst use of it I’ve seen in quite some time. 

Almost nobody becomes a cop because they want to do good and the few who do don’t stay good people if they stay as cops. Being a long term police officer in America requires seeing other human beings as targets and/or garbage to be exploited.

There’s literally no such thing as a good cop.  The ones that aren’t out to abuse people are knowing accomplices to the ones that do.  The best thing anyone can ever say about a cop is “officer down.”

For the officers who have to live with taking a life

Tell us you don’t know shit about how trains work without saying you don’t know shit about how trains work.

Your suggestion would be wrong. “abundantly deliberate” in this case would effectively damaging the vehicle on purpose

The issue is its a power struggle between branches.  Right now The DoT/DMV has the latitude to authorize it.  The point of passing a law is to prevent them from doing it before the shit is out of the horse.

It will absolutely be cheaper in the long term than a human driver though. Consider not only the human driver’s wages for every year over the life of the truck but also the fact that they are severely limited by law in how much they can drive. These trucks will be able to be run almost continually to the point that

If breaking the law was grounds not to pay out nobody who was believed to be speeding even a little bit would be covered.