
Yup, all recruiters do now is type the position into LinkedIn’s search and send form emails, hoping some fool will bite.

As an IT contractor, all I ill say is “every damn day”.

Only one of those things might happen.

The author’s reaction is almost puritanical. 

Yo here have a free car that can help make your situation a little better, also advertise these bars, so I can get paid and help other people.

Hmmm... Jalopnik trashing something that’s free because it has ads all over it.  Interesting.

I signed up for his “Everybody Gets a Lambo” sweepstakes (no, I didn’t get an actual Lambo, unfortunately!). Apparently he gives the winner / recipient a check that covers taxes and insurance for the first year. Might have to sell it after a year, but hey, at least you got to enjoy it for a little while!

Too bad you can’t resell cars.

The cop isn’t the witness, he’s the perpetrator. He’s the criminal in this case, therefore, it should be his onus to pay court fines, not taxpayers.

I maintain that all deaths at the hands of police are civil rights violations. This person was deprived of their right to due process. There exists plenty of non-lethal means of stopping people.

Do you know how much it would cost to either elevate or dig new tunnels to make this happen? It’s a fantastic idea, but waaaaay outside of anything realistic. 

Absurd, unnecessary, and designed to stop rail projects from ever being competitive. Other countries don’t do this; we shouldn’t need to, either.

Disagree 100%. Railroad crossings can be made safe, and people taught how to cross them safely.

And how many vehicular deaths have there been on highways and freeways in the same period?  Any statistic can be taken out of context, and articles such as this, with slanted headlines, are clearly more editorial than news.

Good passenger rail infrastructure is a positive. It killing people on the tracks isn’t. The two can coexist.

Headline should read “88 idiots killed themselves” rather than bright like killed 88 people. Morons. 

Ha!  Do you have any concept how many bazillions of dollars this would cost?

Here’s the part you missed. The SUV stopped INSIDE the gates, managed to not be struck by the Northbound freight train, then remained there and was pancaked by a Southbound train. How intoxicated do you have to be to not escape this situation? If there’s traffic blocking you from driving through the gate, get out and

This is a bad take. The only story here is the idiot who stopped on the track and was oblivious to the oncoming train.

“The question is, should these trains be traveling at above-freeway speeds through neighborhoods across 178 street-crossings with almost no protection...This is clearly not suicides or recklessness when your private infrastructure reaches that kind of body count; it’s bad, lazy and, most importantly, profit-friendly