
Good thing it’s totally harmless...

“Knowledge” is being unaware of market shares? Huh. No wonder Apple fans get taken for a ride.


“...which shit the bed with the force of a diarrhea-prone ogre...”

Gawker media whining about trolling is the definition of irony.

Easy enough fix, just kill accounts connected to Tumblr in any shape or form.

That is our asteroid deflection system.

Isn’t this when the commerce team is supposed to throw in a link to Eneloops on Amazon?

So we can help our fellow paying man save a little by pirating more? M’Kay.

I’m designing breast implants.

And someone will be stupid enough to pay $40 for it.

But can he do the reverse? Take a painting and turn it into music?

I’m sure Japan has a research team on the way.

You should upgrade to hydraulics.

Dear Siri...

That’s nice. These are the assholes that helped bring about GamerGate.

She quit because it was too difficult working for victimbux without the begging platform Patreon.