
Whar funding whar? Every year the same thing. This is a fishing expedition for this year’s funds.

From my cold, dead, lead-fueled hands.

Now they’re just trolling people.

That is certainly a “unique” way of looking at it. Common core, folks.

Maybe they need to get a Patreon set up with all the “harassment” they are receiving.

Things got out of hand when we stopped shaming people publicly. We became too concerned with feelings.

Without asking them I’d have to open a pod and see what it looks like. Considering the small quantity of THC they could have added simple fats infused with it to their pod. The hot water would drag the fats with it when brewing. Maybe the follow-up article will get into the nitty-gritty with details on their process.

These are deliciously dank delicacies.

To be fair it is a single cup serving. Those 100mg edibles are meant to be eaten in pieces not 100mg at a time. Regulars laugh at those levels but for the newbies, it can wreck their shit so they keep the dosage low.

Nope. If your state has laws on the books against weed, the makers won’t even sell because they prefer keeping their business legitimate and quasi-legal. Selling to someone in another state would be a fast-track to DEA/ICE group therapy in federal PMITA penitentiary.

Nope, it won’t get hot enough. It takes quite a bit of heat to burn off the THC and you bake edibles at higher temps than you brew coffee. Even a perc would be hard pressed (no pun intended) to cook off your weed.

But is it filtered with diamonds?

Considering how bizarre and “outside of the box” it is, it’s closer to common core than normal math.

Seems more like you just don’t understand these are the oculus requirements and have nothing to do with him nor do the prices of the components to meet the minimum.


Looks like pressed ajax.

Just wait until some script kiddie figures out a way to trigger the bricking when they are getting their ass kicked in Call of Duty.

Then understand there are legal ways of handling NDA violations. Breaking personal property isn’t one of them.

Perhaps I’m an adult and know the difference between harassment and snowflakes melting.