
And Rose and gawker got paid a pretty penny for writing and posting this adverarticle.

I know. In fact, when I first looked at it, I thought it was how I had learned Common Core subtraction, but it did differ slightly. Mine was a comment more about the fact that it’s taught with such vitriol against any other form of basic mathematics that teachers are telling their students that their parents are

All Digital = DRM/Always-Online = Oops we can brick you lolz.

Sometimes the articles are sooo bad I just don’t make it that far.

Apparently these days only women can be multi-dimensional and good in media, and men have to be shown in the worst, most stereotypical way possible. Boo, women. Boo.

So banned from the internet, but not air gapped computers? Then why not send code through tbe mail on a CD, DVD, Blu-Ray or flash drive? Why write or print it out in paper which then needs to be re-input. This seems highly inefficient even given his punishment as cited in the above article. I saw you said his wife can

If only there were some kind of bioengineered creature that could absorb carbon dioxide and convert it into solid polymers. Ideally, such a creature would use some abundant energy source, like solar energy, to power this process.

If the guns start blazing you really think the accountants will be in a hurry to pay bills to the “enemy” and the supply Sgts will be shipping tanks to them via Fedex? Really?

Because Kotaku has never published a whole article talking about why a game is bad.

Been taking everything as a prank today unless someone can prove otherwise.

It’s a national security concern, as well as a matter of transparency in the government—both issues that are inevitably related to technology. We cover national security and transparency quite a bit. Thanks for sticking to party lines, though.


I don't need to do anything. You give me all the material I need through your defensiveness. Skin changes, ink follows.

I've always found the trolls are the first to cry it. Notice you did so, twice.

You should really take your mind-reading act on the road, your insight into the mind and motivations of total strangers is just amazing.

I do give you an A for effort in your flaming in to to try to help BogartCat to keep an argument going that I already said I have no interest in having. If you want to play these

Could you remind me who exactly is trying to have an argument here?

Trying to play a game with semantics and you're crying troll? Speaks volumes.