
“Just making shit up” like the guy going against the ratio?

Games Workshop was quaking in their boots when 3d printing was first announced. Glad someone finally stepped it up.

The flashing light is a safety feature. It helps differentiate between a motorcycle and an auto with a busted headlight. It makes a driver a bit more aware of what they are facing.

Only now? Funny, it sounded like everyone was calling them on it for the last couple decades at least.

Leveled up? What, it beat and attempted to “rape” a female game developer?

How is this new? They have been training Marines for years.

Just wait for some disgruntled ass-hat to pee into the nozzles.

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How is it they have not copied the chip yet? Call it the Zhe-on.

It’s all fun and games until someone takes a bat to the head. ^_^

So where’s my royalty check?

Too bad they couldn't convert them into housing for the poor as well.

If the guns start blazing you really think the accountants will be in a hurry to pay bills to the “enemy” and the supply Sgts will be shipping tanks to them via Fedex? Really?

Darwin’s theory only takes into account natural selection and killing to survive. Humans operate on a different level because we understand long-term goals and solutions. Working together and being nice realizes those goals which ends up being superior as long as you don’t have the short-sighted have it now chuckle

That’s ok, when you connect them to all the Xboxes we’ll have a standing army of R/C weapons platforms instead. They won’t be autonomous, they’ll be controlled by xbox kids.

Do the scorch marks on the wall concern anyone? Naw, let’s build it bigger!

And when you deliver it to a facebook page/user that hasn’t been used in years? Somehow this doesn’t seem legitimate.

Not supporting vs deliberately ruining someone’s business are two very different things.

You new?

So only do it for money like Gawker and Hogan, right? No spite, no malice, just business. Kek.