
Everything happening to Ye now, shouldn’t be happening. It should have happened years ago. This is what happens when a man with no accountability just keeps getting more money and more success. No one checked him. We kept glossing over his flaws. We loved his music. We loved how candidly he spoke about race during

This is the kind of shit that becomes your life when you rely on an unstable narcissist for your paycheck.

Why would you expect those folk & companies to hold him accountable when most blacks didn’t hold him accountable? Most of us who wanted him held accountable wasn’t buying his stuff anyway and other than complained among ourselves, we didn’t make a big stink about it. 

Adidas doesn’t have a partnership with Donald. There’s nothing to drop him from. 

Trump has demonstrated bigotry towards jews but it’s relatively benign stuff like the assumption of dual loyalty towards Israel and the United States or “jews are good at business.” The use of stereotypes is problematic but it’s basically just a dog whistle. Over the past couple of weeks Kanye West has swerved hard

Sounds like this enterprise is Wayne-ing.

Surprised this wasn’t mentioned in the article, but IMO the most insidious component of lifestyle creep is the company you keep. I suppose for most (it is the case for me) that their circle of friends have people that vary in terms of wealth and how they choose to spend their money. Coming into more money can open the

Another downside of clover is neighbors and HOAs are often ignorant old boomers who think they’re invasive weeds and you’re going to kill their property values, and that climate change and droughts are liberal propaganda. Maybe you live in an area where HOAs are nearly legally mandated and they’ll fine you if they

I’ve got some clover randomly throughout the lawn that seems to mostly be rabbit food

My “grass” mix in my lawn is roughly 2/3 clover. I don’t know where the “replant every 2-3 years” thing comes from because I’ve never planted any in my yard and the clover seems to do a great job of replanting itself. It does this thing where it flowers (at < 6" tall, unlike the damn grass) and goes to seed all on

I know several people making $70-100,000 who use mint. $20 a month for the best service i’ve ever had. Meanwhile i’ve met plenty of people who have $150 a month plans and make less than minimum wage.

I’ve had my mint account for years- i can understand them wanting to block spammers, but this is a really silly way to

You put forward some interesting theories, especially the idea of cheating that’s so primitive it simply tells her if she has the better hand at that point.

I think you’ll find that a) people aren’t “its” and b) you’re an asshole.

They’re not even throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks; they’re just throwing shit at the wall. Inbox stuck, and stuck hard. Google+ was the most-functional, least-toxic, least-predatory social media platform ever. Hangouts was essentially flawless when they started phasing it out.

I feel like the Dreamcast is fundamentally different than the other examples here.

The Dreamcast was fucking awesome. Has an amazing library of games and some features that seemed to presage the more online connected era for consoles to come.

What extra eyes?

Why do they have additional eyes (beyond the standard pair)?

Hard-working immigrant achieves the American dream of constantly failing upward” should be the headline of the story of where he lands next.

Unfortunately Three Years Harrison, because that’s how long he stays in a post before collapsing what he was in charge of, will be the one to land on his feet from this given his history of constant failures has had no negative impact on companies continuing to hire him.

Same thing for your Android phone. Not everyone uses an iPhone