
Another tip that really have helped my: You can tilt your map by pressing the touchscreen and tilt the controller. Really helps out when you are planning routes, makes the mountains and valleys and all the jazz much more visible.

“Like, what’s next?”

So, do we all need your approval to comment on this “national” platform? Or do you only boss around the one who work here? And which nation are you talking of btw?

Just a small note, the Halo company is called “343 industries” not “343 studios”. I make the same mistake all the time!

They have always said that they will come to other console and storefronts in the future. Steam will be early 2020. This is brought up literally everytime the game is mentioned. But why actually look for the answer when you can whine about it online?


“the combat of Quantum Break with the defined mood and environmental storytelling of an Alan Wake.”

I actually like some parts of the store front but I really hope that I can wishlist games soon and make the search systems better.

Her Story had a pretty concrete ending though, right? After a while you could chose to log off and you got some context and clues to why the person was looking through the database.

“I’ve yet to see a game that more specifically caters to the sexual desires of, say, straight women or LGBTQ folks achieving a similar level of success”

Really surprised to not see EDGE on that list. They were always a step above the rest, and our Swedish game magazines was basically modelled after them.

You are like a poster boy if the “They pissed of the wrong people, they pissed of gamers meme”. It would be funny if it wasnt so sad. “Fellow gamer” indeed!

I had no expectation, didn’t follow the hype at all and I bought it on PS4 a couple of months after release to play on the survival mode. It is a fun, if a bit unpolished experience. I would say it have only gotten better since then. Not anything terrific, but it is fun to dick around in.

A shame that they can't criticize a authoritarian regime without being racist. Kind of give ammunition to the other side that try to discredit them.

I should be doing the last work on my master thesis. But instead I am also playing Hades (probably my favorite Rougelike to date) and inching closer to the end in the new Fire Emblem, which is still fantastic.

He was. Now he openly talks shit about everyone he used to work with. He always rubbed me the wrong way in the "game scoop" episodes he was in, really liked to talk down to the other guests. 

Who is not allowed to enjoy things...? What is this article even critical of?

I have seen so many Three Houses voice actor talking on twitter. The house leaders having fake beefs with each other and everything. It is a ton of fun.

Hi there! Care to share your real name, home adress and telephone number? I am sure you have nothing to hide so no harm that being available on the internet, right?

but I’m not okay with installing a Tencent-owned piece of software on my computer for a whole slew of reasons”