
I know I am a “glass half full” person and I agree that this isn’t fantastic, especially on the male route, but is there a single Japanese game that have featured more same sex relationship than this? I am serious curious. Even fantastic Japanese games like Persona 5 didn’t just not have them them but also feature

Can’t really think of any primary protagonist no, but I do think that a character like Roadhog from Overwatch would have a very different reception if it was a woman instead of a man. Or take fighting games, there is a Honda, Rufus or Bob in nearly everyone, but can’t really remember overweight woman.

I am not

I would argue that there is far far more overweight guys in video games than there are overweight women.

Lockjaw is actually in the game from the very start, but not a as a character, more like a plot device.

I didn’t think that the discussion about sexualisation in video game was about womens self image. I don’t know any woman who likes video games who longs for looking like a pre-teen looking dragon girl who is secretly 1000 years old or having breasts so big that they take up the vast majority of their body.

I thought it

As a fan of this series since it came to the west (despite falling out a little bit with it during the 3DS days) I am loving what I am reading here. The focus on worldbuilding and an interesting story is just what I wanted, make it feel like the Gamecube/Wii series again. Can’t wait to pick it up tomorrow!

I think it is a dope line. The man is insane and he gets his weird meaning across.

Now I want a african robot hamster that is a woman.

He actually had a twitter rant about it a couple of hours later, so you were completely right.

If you actually took time and read some of the famous French medieval songs/tales that are preserved you would see that female knights existed in fiction even back then. To have women knights in the game would not be as weird as having a gundam in it. If you think it is immersion breaking to have women in games but

If this comment is not satire I am pretty sure we gsve acscended to some sort of new level of existemce 

Great list! I had completely missed “Die” and "Sobek"! Personally I am very surprised that there isn’t more buzz about Isola. So far I have loved it and the art is fantastic.

“Not to be confused with Obsidian’s upcoming role-playing game, The Outer Worlds, this is a game by the small studio Mobius Digital”

recently refused to try Assassin’s Creed because ‘it’s in third-person’”

Now playing

The same guy who is the art director here also was the main art guy on Birthday Wonderland, which looks fantastic.

It isn’t only about recongnizability though, also how fun they are to play as. I have 0% in Dragon Quest, but “The Hero” seems to be a very fun character to play as. Sort of like a quicker, more aggressive Robin.

I have followed Ilya for a while now on Instagram and is a big fan of his art. So this is fantastic news.  

Love that Banjo and Kazooie is in it. I loved those games (and their music) go bits. A kittel disappointed that we didnt get to see any more fire emblem though.

I haven’t played a Klei game that I haven’t atleast thought was OK, and the best ones I absolutely love. I also adore how they change genre with each title, the only common denominator is that they have tight art design and fun gameplay. They are sort of like Supergiant Games in that way, another studio I am a big fan

I didn’t really mean the UI and stuff like that. I think both the consoles have pros and cons and it is basically a matter of habit. I meant more in terms of exclusives games and stuff like that. With the exception of Rare Replay I don’t really have an interest in any of Microsoft exclusives and I have mainly used the