
Only fucking gamers are this entitled. 

So this is what happens when everyone with talent leaves a once great website? You fill it shockfull with ads and print promotes piracy of new games. This wouldn't have happend back when and you know it. Fucking shameful what happend to this site.

This really sucks. I wish you all the best in the future. Your contributions to discussions about stuff like crunch and just generally giving developers a voice have been invaluable.

Not to be even more negative, but I think Io9 really is a shadow of what it was back when Annalee Newitz and Charlie Jane Anders ran the show.

I think Gulliver always washes up on day 2. Everyone I have talked to have that happend.

Regarding the “Culling” cutscene, I honestly really prefer the latter before the former. The extreme zoom really highlighted some stiff animations and didn’t really do much. I have no issue with the “classic” approach here.

“1. Health being only acquired from killing enemies was a bad mechanic.”

“Eh, Disco Elysium is that stuffy Artsy film that wins a bunch of Oscars while people convinced themselves they enjoyed it, despite it being hard to get through.”

While I do agree that Episode 2 was by far the weakest I still think that the game is well worth the asking price. A bigger issue of the game is that compared to LiS 1 it kept on changing locations and characters, just like most of the Telltale Games did. One of my favorite aspect of Lis 1 was that we got to know the

I think that this is usually true for episodic things, no matter if it is comics, tv shows or games. They are usually experienced best if you pace them out. Then you have time to reflect and discuss and speculate with others which usually makes the experience much more fun. I am sure that many Netflix series, like

If anyone didnt try out Hades because of the platform I cant recommend it enough. One of my favorite games this year and tied with Dead Cells as my favorite roguelike.

These were all great (and bittersweet) but especially Faheys were golden.

I really should play Life is Strange 2. Played the first episode when it was released and thought it was terrific, but never got around to play the rest. I blame so many other games and a overall stressful year that didnt really result in much time to play overall.

I actually spoiler myself about Vader in a different way. Really thought I recognized a voice in the game and really wondered who it was. So I headed over to IMDB to investigate and Vader was close to the top. Doesn't really feel that it is having an impact of my enjoyment of the game though!

Regarding authencity and empathic writing: apparently they have worked closely with GLAAD on the game. Not that it will guarantee anything but it gives me hope that they will try to treat the subject matter with care.

I do not agree that the game leads up to one endings more than the other, with the premise of the whole game being decisions and their consequences it feels like this choice was very much central from the start. I do agree that one of the ending feels more emotional and impactful, but that have not bearing if it is a

I mean, that is one of the endings. Kind of false to say that they "buried the lesbian" when you can end up together in the end. I personally can't think of a a same sex relationship that feels more natural and fleshed out in video games than that one.

If they were not selling well, why did they release 12 if them over a two year time period? That seems absurd.

I guess that is why they released 12 pieces of DLC that sold well, because they didn’t give a fuck what people was asking for... That makes sense.

Yes, i meant the touchpad.