This is terrible news.
This is terrible news.
There’s a very strong Seinfeld-is-Unfunny effect to Halloween, simply because Halloween became the template for just about every slasher film that came thereafter.
You have to watch it in the context of its time. It was groundbreaking in many ways, not least of which because it was among the first of the slasher films to show the heroine putting up a fight against the murderer, as Roger Ebert noted in his original review. In order to fully appreciate the first Halloween, you…
It’s one of those things that’s hard to put your finger on. Mostly it’s the awesome mood that Carpenter sets up in my opinion.
Obviously our mileage is varying here, but yeah, I’d say Green’s All the Real Girls, George Washington, Undertow, Pineapple Express, Snow Angels, Joe, Prince Avalanche, and Stronger probably beat Zombie’s one terrible movie and one pretty good one.
Rob Zombie is a great horror fan but a terrible director.
“having just come off directing 1000 Corpses and Devil’s Rejects” - Hmmm.... I’d say he was batting 500 at the time then.
Maybe he pulled back that hoodie and she got a good look at his face.
Yeah, but his name was Jason Alexander and that makes it funny.
It has a surprisingly short half-life.
the September death of Grande’s ex, Mac Miller in September
No snark.
More like Scott Suck!
running for the worst U.S. version of a successful British series since Coupling,
I have a weird pet peeve about people drinking slowly from a mug with both hands. You’re not in a fucking folgers commercial.
That's almost certainly true. And narrative convention dictates that he'll always end up looking a bit like the hero or the underdog or the spurned outsider or whatever, which just feeds the mystique. That's why Seirstad's book impressed me so much - Breivik seems so... banal, so similar to a million other angry white…
A while back I read Asne Swirstad’s extraordinary, forensic account of July 22, “One of Us”, and it did such an incredible job of capturing both Breivik’s pettiness and desperation to be something as well as recording the events of the massacre in depth. It shook me to the core, to the extent that I could never…
yeah the writing for those seasons was pretty atrocious. S9 had some really questionable decisions, but one of the things it did better was make Erin a much more interesting character.
She was charming on the Office but I wish that era had had better stories/writing. Especially w/r/t Ed Helms whom her character had to interact with a lot. They couldn’t make up their minds what to do with him.
Now I really fancy her!