
Just because an unspecified number of a particular race say they aren’t offended by something doesn’t mean it’s not offensive.  The “Asked My Black Friend” defense doesn’t work anymore.  

Because of his guy I will never be able to get the phrase “Zendaya is Meechee” out of my head. I I ever say that aloud people will think that I’m having a stroke. 

you sound like an absolute piece of shit.

Comments critiquing this blog for being moderately lefty and not straight journalism are one of the more exhausting parts of kinja-era AV Club.

I had a chance +-14 years ago to grab a bunch of Banksy stuff that was painted on metal panels and left in a field next to where I worked at the time after a rock video shoot that was supposedly for friends of his in a band.

Those panels were out there, strapped to a fence for months and months while I mused about the

Every year or so I rewatch Exit Through The Gift Shop and get reminded that Banksy rules. His art has always been pretty good and interesting but that is really his masterpiece. This is funny, too.

I love the film. It’s my favourite of 2010 (far superior to tepid The King’s Speech). But I do find it odd that Sorkin did not take the opportunity to play-up, or even accurately depict, the Winklevoss Twins as entitled bluebloods rather than the honourable noblesse oblige types we ended up with in the film.

C’mon, let’s stop pretending that Eisenberg’s take on Luthor would make a top 100 list of what’s wrong with that movie.

If he would have portrayed Lex Luthor the way he played Zuckerberg, instead of that Jim Carrey impression we got, BvS would have been at least marginally enjoyable.

Egypt Air: Missus Drew Barry More, what is favorite airline flight company?

Look, sometimes you finish your book a little early and none of the in-flight movies look interesting and you see something vaguely promising while flipping to the back to see the terminal map.  “Kevin Costner talking about his ranch in Wyoming . . . that’ll kill five minutes.”

The best part is where “Barrymore” compares raising her children to raising a plant which will give her “ripe delicious fruits after a few years.” It’s a very strange interview, which not only seems badly translated but seems closer to an SNL sketch of Barrymore than an actual person.

Drew: I have no recollection of conducting any interview with your magazine.

Topher Grace gets a lot of shit, but I always thought Raimi’s clear disinterest in Venom was the actual issue — the “Peter but with no moral compass” take on Brock that Grace delivers is valid and interesting, and I liked that the movie had his normal voice coming out of Venom rather than a silly monster voice, which

Eh. Competition is good for creativity. I don't want to see the MCU engulf every possible fucking marvel comic ever into its homogeneous cinematic series. Good movies are more important than fanboys seeing THIS character and THAT character meeting in a potential movie. 

Yeah, well I was 12 in 1886. I couldn't afford such luxuries as "books" or "bicycles" because *I* was holding down a full-time job at the meat packing plant. Even got my face busted in by a Pinkerton during the Haymarket riots. Pussy. 

I agree. I, in fact, say that in my review. Offhand, my favorite superhero movies are the first X-Men, X-Men: First Class, Nolan’s Batman movies, Batman Returns, Spider-Man 2... I have a lot of faith in the ability of non-MCU superhero movies to be good.

I think the idea that today’s 13-year-olds don’t have any access to entertainment that is as hardcore or scary as Labyrinth is perhaps a little naive.

Wikipedia says the budget is only (“only”) $100 million, so even if it kind of takes a bath it might not be enough to motivate Sony to relicense the rights back to Disney. And honestly, I’m fine with Disney not having all the Marvel characters: it gives more opportunities for out-of-the-box experiments that can result

Do we really need more generic Marvel movies?  Why can’t someone do something different?