
Man, em’s thin whiny skin is like an unbreakable wall compared to em’s fans.

He’s very wrong

These Americans worship the flag. That is blasphemy in the Christian religion. It states, in the Ten Commandments they want outside of every damn courthouse, that you shall not worship false icons. The way they treat the US flag, the way they elevate it, is making it a false icon.

Yeah, it seems like everything since Recovery has had at least one instance of either apologizing for or angrily defending each previous album. And if he’s not doing that, he’s berating himself for not matching up to his biggest hits. (something he’s admittedly been doing since MMLP)

Listening now, very strong start. Still sounds like he’s on his “Revival was great, the critics and fans were wrong” thing, but I’ll take what I can get with modern Em.

And now I want to see a decent film where Rain Wilson plays the villain.

I demand a big budget Threat Level: Midnight.

I wanna see Michael Scott cameo on “Jack Ryan” as Jim’s incompetent boss who’s constantly getting good men killed

You definitely didn’t read the first paragraph.

I think you’re in the wrong article, buddy. 

I’d heard stuff before about Franken being kind of an asshole, whereas from everything I’ve heard Colbert’s practically a saint.

He is just an amazing person all-around. I’ve never heard anything about him that didn’t make me love him more than I did before.

Showing his penance was what got Louis CK in trouble in the first place!

I assume a national tour with TJ Miller and Chris Hardwick will be coming up soon?

I wish Ansari would come back, and not this guy. Ansari was a jackass and he could do good by learning about and commenting on consent. But I always felt he wasn’t at the level at some of these guys. He was just a creep, but one that could be taught, and start a real conversation that could be helpful.

Considering Marky Mark’s run in with one particular Asian gentleman, I wouldn’t blame Cary for not claiming Whalberg status

Is he serious about “the algorithm”? Because Netlfix productions have the worst pacing of any big content producer I’ve ever seen. The episodes are too long and there are too many of them, everytime.

*Spike Lee angrily tweets Bootsy Collins’ home address*

Why is this such a fucking surprise? Not all films are stream-available, but a hell of a lot are available on disc.

Oh man, I’ve been avoiding learning anything about Kin since I read about Carrie Coon, Zoe Kravitz, and Dennis Quaid being in the cast as that was more than enough to get me to see it. I’d like to go in as blind as possible to what it’s about.  But a Mogwai score is that much better. I can’t wait.