
I believe you are giving waaaaaaay too much credit to Armageddon here. I think Michael Bay legitimately loves schlock in a completely earnest way. He’s not making fun of anything. He’s celebrating it.  

Run Lola Run was a 1999 release in U.S. cinemas.

(And is not better than Rushmore.)

Total fucking bullshit that Murray wasn’t nominated for Best Supporting Actor for Rushmore.

I feel her noteworthy work in the ass department overshadows the fact that she also has a spectacular rack.

there is only one person today who can call herself Harriet, and it ain’t Nicki:

There’s nothing to get.  It’s as superficial as music can be, made worse by the posturing of the bands and idiocy of the lyrics.

So it looks like Sony understands not to listen to unreliable accusations from Nazis that are based on evidence taken wildly out of context as a means to silence someone for their criticisms of the Orangutan in a Suit living in the White House.

They could do two things.

Ugh. When the promise of alt-rock infiltrating the mainstream mutated into this abomination. Dark days.

I think that looking back, they filled a void that people thought they needed: A mainstream rock band. It was the last dominant era of MTV playing music videos, and outside of Nu-Metal, people were getting boy bands, girl acts, and some hip hop/r&b. Grunge was long dead. Alternative rock was going through a meh phase.

“They spoke to kids from low-income backgrounds and gave them the chance to both find commonality with others through their pain and revel in a gaudy, escapist fantasy.”

The movie left such a bitter taste in my mouth that I don’t want anything to do with a continuation. The Logan/Veronica relationship was utterly toxic, and since the GAWD Keith Mars was the voice of reason and logic on that show, and pretty much he knew Logan was an ass and Veronica needed to get far away from that

What a day!

Different kind of badass. I always appreciated that Ronnie never had to get physical to fuck up your whole world.

Not watching it is another option.

I really hope they bring it back. For years, I have been praying that either Netflix or HBO revive this show. I go back and do a series rewatch about once every 2 years or so, and I recommend this show to everyone. 

Yes please 

He got to fuck Asia Argento AND make $380,000. And yet he complains about it. Some people are never satisfied. 

I must have listed to this and Aquemini like a million times.

I was in my 20s working at an in-patient rehab center for teenagers. Every night on the girl’s ward, they would put this album on and listen to it in its entirety. No matter how shitty the day had been, no matter who was feuding with who, they’d all gather around and put the album on and hang out. It was really pretty