A rich white lady with thin skin? Man, I believe it when I see it.
A rich white lady with thin skin? Man, I believe it when I see it.
and there you have it folks--surgical summer is over.
One of my favorite things in Crooklyn is when he does it with the glue sniffers.
Supercut of Spike Lee’s signature double dolly shots:
Nothing can top the Newlywed Game episode and the too-literal answer to “Where is you and your husband’s second most favorite place to make love?”
Yeah, can’t have a bad actor muddying up the waters on the CW.
Holy fuck Twitter sucks. I'm gonna say about 90% of the people calling for a recast are trolls who really don't care and the rest are just assholes who hate gay people. Twitter can fucking burn and take Facebook along with it
The weird thing is, I didn’t disagree with anything he said in that Waking Life clip. The power of creativity and love to overcome corporate rule.... it’s all kind of uplifting. You wouldn’t think that same dude would be making money off of dead schoolkids a decade later.
Black Panther was good, and that’s partially because Marvel actually seems to care about the quality of their product, so they got some of the best young black actors out there, and probably the best young black director.
I hadn’t seen Waking Life since 2005, so I was gobsmacked a few weeks back when I realized that that mouthy lunatic cruising around Austin was freaking Alex Jones.
I used to be a conservative until Palin. She woke me up to the utter disgrace that is the GOP. I can’t fathom why more people didn’t see that.
but on the flip side of that coin, Black Panther was excellent. This looks capable. Those are good signs!
*up-and-coming actress Poland Spring nods sagely*
Reading the phrase “Palin Republican” just gave me diarrhea.
There’s days I do wonder if Jones has that internal moment of self-reflection. That moment where he knows that, for all of the talk about a deep state, he has to face that he stumped so hard for what he thought was the anti that now he’s a mouthpiece for the ‘the man’, even as he desperately tries to argue that’s not…
Nice to hear this is actually a good movie. The trailer made it look pretty derivative, in terms of the plot.
For those that don’t know or remember, he was also in the movie A Skanner Darkly.
I get it. I have an uncle who is a stereotypical old hippie who will talk your ear off about being at King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. I like to get his goat by offering to share my crazy JFK assassination theory, which is “Oswald acted alone”. He also went to college in Austin and has lived there on and off for most…
A lot of it was some pop-punkers who heard Pinkerton and decided they wanted to start talking about feelings. Seriously, listen to some of that stuff. It’s like they were into NOFX and then heard Pinkerton and were like, “Oh man, I got feelings! I’m a suburban white kid but I don’t really have the intellectual…