
It’s less of a physical need and more of a social need. However, I remember breast tenderness as part of PMS as a teen and the friction from wearing a tee shirt while braless was irritating.

Since when is swallowing “nasty”? Who hasn’t done it? And unless she was forced, which it doesn’t sound like she was, who cares?


I love Blake Lively and rape jokes are obviously never okay, but I find it really disturbing that she finds rape jokes exponentially more offensive than actually working with an accused sex offender.

Right? Like does Kendra think calling Holly “nasty” for having sex with Hef doesn’t imply that she was nasty when she had sex with him too? Or are we supposed to believe that Kendra and any other “girlfriends” just stood around and watched, Rosemary’s baby style? Which would honestly be more bizarre to me.

Why do we keep trying to make Blake Lively happen? SHE’S NEVER GONNA HAPPEN.

Was it consensual? Yes. Did it involve children or animals? No. THEN IT’S OK, KENDRA. What a jerk.

why not both?

Those two quotes say a little about the women’s respective maturity levels. I can completely believe that Kendra had a different experience in the mansion than Holly did. Holly could have been abused while Kendra found it an opportunity, and none of the sex acts Holly may have participated in change that.

If what you mean by that is, “Kendra is a huge hypocrite,” then yeah, okay.

Azealia Banks got her account suspended, started a new one and Twitter said “Now what you won’t do ...”

I am so happy Twitter finally suspended Banks’ account. She is so horrible. I don’t know much about her music but she’s shown she’s a bigot, sexist, and homophobic. Automatically, she goes to the vilest insults. She made me take Sarah Palin’s side!

It pissed Woody off. That’s good enough for a chuckle to me.

#teamholly. That’s some unnecessary shit from Kendra. Anytime someone uses a sex act as a reason that someone should be ‘ashamed’ I'm gonna side eye the shit out of that.

“I know my recent posts were a little over the top and I apologize for that. Sticking up for me n my beliefs is hard for me at times. Sorry.”

We get it, Kendra, Holly is a happier, more successful, and more liked person than you are, and you will never forgive her for that.

That block quote was just Kendra straight (unintentionally) calling herself out, one line after another.

I want to blow a whistle here and throw down a flag. Like... both of these girls were paid to live and have sex with someone they might not choose to. They were both under a lot of stress adn their “normal” has got to be messed up! Holly’s moved on, can’t Kendra move on? It should be seen like escaping a cult.

When your boobs are non-existent like mine are, its not the weight or movement that makes not wearing bras uncomfortable. For me its mostly a coverage issue, both from a nipple perspective and from a “if I lean down or a shoulder strap falls, my entire chest is now completely bare” perspective