
They are still token roles whether you think so or not.

There would be many who’d say that if someone “laywered up” after a crime was committed, they must be guilty. The court of public opinion is often the least fair and most damning one.

You make some valid points and raise some important questions. Is it the victims/witnesses responsibility to generate empathy from the police/a jury? As an educated Black woman of means, I understand why generating empathy would benefit my case if I were to testify about a sexual assault.I could probably afford a

They were token roles by the mere fact they were the only Black people of note on a show set in Los Angeles.

Not sure what “Arrested Development” (Charlie Murphy was on that show?) has to do with Larry David’s shows, namely “Seinfeld” and “Curb Your Enthusiasm” but... yes, the Black and other PoC characters on both those shows are token characters. Especially that mush-mouthed comedian. I can’t stand him.

There is a case to be made about “Hamilton” being “diet rap” and therefore digestible enough for unrefined palates.

If they subscribe to the Just World Fallacy, they probably rationalized Holtzclaw’s actions away with “he’s just a bad guy”.

“During her testimony, she became very emotional and cried. You could just see something different in her when she started talking about the rape and when it happened,” said Speaks.

“Stay hot for your hubby”

About 8 years ago, had a former co-worker, a woman I really only spoke to at work and about work-related things, who had a similar breakdown. She sent me a message accusing me of sleeping with her girlfriend (lol..whut?), stealing her car (no), and killing her dog (that had died 3 years before I met her). At first I

But see, that’s the plan... Make those kids feel so unwelcome they either don’t enroll or drop out. Many employed the same practice when schools were “forced” to integrate.

“We’re not discriminating! We just want you to tell us if you're gay and/or trans before we let you in. And we won’t tell anyone of you are. Promise (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)!”

Nope. His body, his choice.

I love hotels, too. To me, an airbnb is more appealing than a hotel for an extended stay (5+ days) or a group of friends. It is cheaper to get groceries and cook meals than order room service all the time.

Cmon! They are doing the bare minimum! What more do you people want?!

They don’t. They only say they do.

It’s funny how most guys think you’ll be offended if they call you ugly, when in fact we’re usually relieved they think we are ugly.

Often enough.

I know many folks wonder why an adult woman would want to have sex with a teenaged boy. But often it’s not just about sex, but also about power. You know, just like it is with many men who do the same to teen girls.

Because he’s a Latino man who speaks Spanish fluently, who grew up with at least one parent who speaks Spanish fluently, and many family members who also speak Spanish fluently. Many of the Latino people I know who speak Spanish fluently have a bit of an accent, even of they were born in the states. It happens, trust.