
She was bad in that prison movie she did back in the early 2000s. But she KILLED IT in the The Wiz: Live. So who knows? And I say this as a DIE-HARD MJB stan.

That chick that bends over to dry her hair while completely naked... I can’t stand that trick.

Ugh. It’s like when actors put on fake glasses to look intelligent. People who really wear glasses can tell when yours are fake.

Now all I need is Ann M Martin to start fangirling over Judy Blume and the Trifecta Of Female Writers The Child In Me I Loves will be complete.

This is the 4th site I’ve seen mention Hailee’s outfit. I didn’t know who she was until this outfit. So... bad outfit or PR stunt?

IMHO, the dentists here (I’m in LA) push veneers so aggressively. I’m a Regular Joan with a small and almost unnoticeable chip in her front tooth, and damn near every dentist I’ve visited has said “have you thought of veneers?” during the exam. I made it through grade school and college and 10 years into my career and

In the age of pinterest and YouTube, everyone is suddenly an expert.

What a lot of people are doing now is creating a dedicated website to post their albums. I have a few friends who had destination weddings I couldn’t attend, and it was nice to see the photo album and video online at my leisure.

It seems like Kelly is really trying to create a positive experience for these girls. I don’t mind if she looks good in the process because she’s doing a good thing by not playing up drama and providing a real opportunity for people who might not otherwise have one. Even if these bands never prevail, the exposure and

Vaccines are like zombie bites, donchaknow!

I understand why antivaxxers like Deniro are seeking an outside reason why their child is autistic. If they can’t blame vaccines, then the fault must lie with them/their genes, right? What’s sad is none of them seem to be able to accept that autistic children aren’t flawed, and that having different needs doesn’t mean

I think this is why I can’t get into shows like “Broad City” or whatever the latest Will Arnett show is called.

This. And when you tell them you love being Black, they either think you are lying, or that you hate White people. Because loving yourself must mean you hate everyone else, right? #WhiteLogic

I know weddings cost a pretty penny, but you are spot on. People seek to cut corners on the most important things (photos/video, a DJ, makeup, booze), and splurge on stupid things (like favors, place cards, and photobooths). I used to do makeup for weddings. Key words: used to. I got sick of brides trying to haggle

That awkward moment when your “Make Donald Drumpf Again” extension leads you to believe a notoriously racist frat may have relinquished their bigoted ways...

Badu been on some Ankhefied Hotep nonsense from jump.

Ramona Quimby was my patronus. I got Ramona Quimby, Age 8 as a Christmas gift when I was in 3rd grade. I was having a really hard time fitting in because suddenly all the girls liked all the boys and started caring about their clothes and hair and all the boys were try to hold the girls hands, and I just wanted to

I think Kerry Washington said it best we she said (paraphrasing) that it’s not that we don’t want people to see our race, we don’t want people to judge us based upon our race.

“If she was seen by the public at large as a black woman, light skinned or not, was she not subjected to the same biases or inclusions based on that?”

Now playing

Another fun fact: the Southern “drawl” is derived from that same affected British accent...