

Yay! You found an exception! Bravo! /s

I don’t see how you can cast the two of the because of their chemistry, then get mad when fans and critics notice that same chemistry you picked them both for. It’s almost at if there’s something hidden deep within the minds of people in Hollywood that tells them the kind of chemistry between Beharie/Mison

IMHO it must have been pretty bad on that set for a Black woman actress to say “I’d rather take my chances out there than stay in here”.

You’re right. If your boss is being mean to you, bullying you by not inviting you to company parties or important events, scheduling meetings when he knows you cannot attend... and then after 3 years of abuse you quit... one could certainly say “well you wanted to leave!” and completely ignore the fact that you wanted

I agree. I didn’t dislike Katrina because she was in romantic competition with Abbie. I disliked Katrina because she was JUST in romantic competition with Abbie.

Season 2 would have been fine if they made Katrina a real character. I didn’t mind Katrina being around because she and Ichabod had issues that needed to be resolved, like her being a witch and never telling her husband. It could have been an intriguing plot, even keeping the whole Jeremy is evil storyline.

These comments are interesting... “she wanted to leave the show!” Its funny how when characters of color get axed (Reece, Tara), it must be because of something the actress must have wanted, but in other instances the actress is a victim and the outrage is completely justified. I see you...

i’m sure not inviting her to do the dvd commentary made her feel very welcome.

Not true. I was planning to vote for HRC, but now neither her nor Sanders is appealing to me anymore. Back to the Undecided camp until June, I suppose.

Thank you for telling me Animaniacs is on Netflix. My dance card for this weekend is now full.

What's unclear is how they will try to find a way to blame the girl of being body slammed.

All the kids are leaning on each other and standing relatively still in this photo, which conveys a complete different message. These girls are all in some type of tough girl stance. It’s intellectually dishonest to compare it to the photo in question.

By that logic, saying you like apples means you are really saying you hate oranges.

Why do we keep broken clocks around, again?

I would have said “Yes. I’m a large. Something you are not” with a casual glance towards his crotch.

Didn’t he OD?


If they just give me this panel, I’ll be happy.

Kim K posts nude selfies: a slut who’s causing the downfall of America