
My neighborhood, a predominately Black middle-class area, has a Christmas lights contest every year. People come from all over to look at the lights. Well, last year, a group of gentrifiers wanted to ask the sheriff to establish “check points” to make sure people driving through to look at the lights weren’t would-be

Between Brandy, Monica, and Aaliyah (RIP), my late-teenage life was gotten.

Because reasons.

Well HELLO Jake Gyllinahshejjaklsk;all!

I really wish we didn’t have to wear bras in the first place, but kudos to her.

What level of Mediocre White Man we talking about here? Adam Sandler or Will Arnett?

Colonialism: conquering the majority of the planet for spices, then creating the blandest food on the planet.

When my best friend died from lung cancer, I vowed to never attend another funeral. Hers was the 4th funeral I’d attended in a year, right on the heels of the passing of a beloved aunt (cancer), a former student (drunk driver), and my father (cancer). I just can’t handle them anymore. I’m there for the family the week

If they aren’t wedding dresses, then why are they white/ivory? I feel like retailers are really ignoring a large chunk of women who like formal-length dresses but don’t want to look like they are supposed to be walking down the aisle or auditioning for a Dynasty remake.

I honestly couldn’t tell if it was a tweet for Rob Sr or Rob Jr.

“If he’s rich, he’ll show me how to get rich, too!” - Trump Supporters

I think it’s more of a fear of being sued or accused of kidnapping kind of thing.

You first.

You did not get from the beach to Hollywood in 14 minutes in LA unless you rode in a helicopter.

You guys... what if they “honor Hamilton” by putting LMM on the $10?

Agreed. FUCK Andrew Jackson right in the ear.

> Hey, women in your early 20's, would you hit that? Is “midlife crisis man” a turn on? <

“the blacks”?

As a dyed-in-the-wool Jets fan, this made me chuckle.

To be fair, Batman’s parents died because they took him out of the theater when he was scared. ;-)