
I eagerly anticipate filling up my Female President Bingo Card on a daily basis.

Whiteness is a helluva drug.

I asked my mother —a devout Southern Christian woman, dutiful mother to her children, and devoted wife to father until the day he died— if she would stand by her husband if he did what Cosby did (and had his money). “Fuck no!” she said. And that’s the story of the first time my 45yo ears ever heard my 80yo mother say

With a bonus “Native American who dispenses wise advice” on the side!

You think someone (LMM?) picked it up (LMM.) and put it back wrong (LMM!)?

I suddenly feel very sorry for whichever actor has to run around Disneyland wearing that Chewbacca costume in the SoCal summer heat.

Which women does this apply to? White women? Asian women? Because I’m betting it doesn’t apply to Black women who message non-Black men...

You’re supposed to pronounce “Gilt” like “guilt”, right?

“Cosby doesn’t have to answer questions if she doesn’t want to under Massachusetts’ marital disqualification rule, which “prohibits spouses from testifying about private marital conversations.””

Let’s just say grandma’s first husband was an abusive philandering gambler who died suddenly in his sleep despite being in his prime.

When people say they “don’t believe in” something like science or medicine, I ask them “What do you mean you don’t believe in it? You think it doesn’t exist, like Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy?!” They usually don’t have a coherent response.

I was always told were poisonous to eat whole, then silently wondered why it was in the cupboard in the first place.

I’m sure there’s a Wiltshire in Lost Angeles, whereeverthefuck that is.

Apparently, LAPD doesn’t have a database where you can look these sort of things up.

So if I let someone use my phone to make a call, I’ve given them permission to browse through all its contents? By that logic, if you let someone into your house they are free to rummage through your underwear drawer.

False equivalence. Bringing the laptop from home for the kids to use is very different than a student stealing your personal phone and seeking out incriminating pictures.

The teacher didn’t let the student use the phone and he happened to find the pictures. He stole her phone, searched for the pictures, and gleefully

“The New York Times reports that David Eubanks, the superintendent of the Union County School district, said Arthur was in large part to blame since she had allowed students to use her phone in the past. “It became a regular piece of equipment that they used in that classroom,” Eubanks told the Times. “Knowing that,

“But if [period piece film/tv show] had Black people on it, it wouldn’t be historically accurate/they be slaves or servants!” - Racists

When your city's median home price is $700k, Texas looks mighty appealing. On paper.

**scratches Texas off the Where to Relocate list**