I think the story not being told here is that somebody is tipping off the press on the Big Stuff now. Between dropping the dime on the Stormy Daniels payoff and now this, somebody is going Scorched Earth on Trump’s fat ass.
I think the story not being told here is that somebody is tipping off the press on the Big Stuff now. Between dropping the dime on the Stormy Daniels payoff and now this, somebody is going Scorched Earth on Trump’s fat ass.
He admitted to supplying cocaine to stars when working for Vanity Fair.
If you think this is weird just wait until you read the actual reason why the UK has a welfare state, namely the idea that welfare is good because it allows the Middle-Class to outbreed the poor...
I honestly couldn’t name even one song of hers; I only know her from a few interviews, so I can’t even say if you’re right or not. If this is the case, then yeah, off to that corner. My impression of her was that of a bubbly over-sharer, nothing sinister. I don’t know her lyrics, only that she married Nick Lachey as a…
One of these might be in your area: https://prisonbookprogram.org/resources/other-books-to-prisoners-programs/
I’ve been to prison. I can tell you books were my lifeline. So much so, that I am trying not to cry while writing this. (It’s not working,)
“I see, these books are probably law books, and it is an essential part of the justice dispensed here that you should be condemned not only in innocence but also in ignorance.”
― Franz Kafka, The Trial
when i was on a psych ward, a few patients (including myself eventually) had breakdowns when we didn’t get the food we ordered for breakfast/lunch/dinner. every night we circled our choices for the next day, etc. the food trays were wrong around half of the time, which set off a few people because, well, it was one of…
the psych ward i was on had a ton of stuff to do, coloring and puzzles and regimented “classes” and limited tv time, but only a handful of books. the first thing i did after i was settled in was email my friend to bring me some toiletries, clothes, a blanket and BOOKS. she went to my apartment and just grabbed the…
I don’t doubt that working that kind of job was stressful. The inmates are customers and customer service sucks. From experience, it seems like the inmates blew up at those small mistakes because they were looking forward to what few treats they get, they pay up the ass for them, and/or they have anger management…
I worked in the office of an inmate commissary company for 3 years. It was my first real job out of college and it was fucking ridiculous. It was a circle of abuse. If the inmates didn’t get what they ordered, they’d complain to the gaurds, they would then call our company and then I’d get yelled at for not processing…
“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them.”
― Joseph Brodsky
There is sound science behind many things, including rehabilitation. As a Biologist I’m infuriated by how little we use behavioral science to change people’s habits. For prisoners, we should all be demanding the best research and funding for it, to find out what works and what doesn’t, and for whom. Some people are…
This is a really good article about prison care packages:
Or the Count of Monte Cristo
I’ve never been in jail, but it was very similar when I was in the psych ward. We had three Christian paperbacks, a bible, and some crayons. In between therapy sessions, we mostly just sat around and started at the walls, obviously a super-healthy activity.
Perhaps I’m overthinking this but a program that potentially reduces literacy for inmates so that they may still have access to law books but have less ability to understand and do research for their cases? Less ability to grasp what their lawyers are saying? Just a dumber potentially more controllable inmate…
Reading has a well-known liberal bias so good riddance. The only book you’ll ever need is the Bible. Do what it says, and you won’t need to learn job skills or parenting education.
I feel like the restriction has more to do with money than it does with censoring content for prisoners.