Cocaine distribution? If not that, then what on earth WOULD it take for him to not be in charge of govt-funded schools????
Cocaine distribution? If not that, then what on earth WOULD it take for him to not be in charge of govt-funded schools????
IIRC Jessica Simpson preached the sort of “purity gospel” that slut-shames young women and teaches them that an intact hymen is their only worth, all while having plenty of her own sexual encounters that she reasoned did not count for various technical reasons. She can have a seat in the clearance bin along with…
Oh my god, don’t even SAY it. The thought of Ivanka 2020 just put me in a despair spiral.
She’s someone I’ve been quietly watching for a while, because she plans to self-publish a book about sexual abuse and then solicit speaking engagements at community centers and schools. For the time being I don’t link to her crap because it would only give her publicity, but if she ever gets off her butt and makes…
There needs to be a reckoning, period. Doesn’t matter the political ideology or even the gender - I am also quite done with the women perpetuating/enabling misogynistic b.s., such as the winner who went on a FB rant yesterday about how “manipulative” women who come forward about sexual harrassment are in fact the ones…
I don’t eat turkey, but if I did your recipe sounds delicious! And I agree you should make the whole thing for yourself and enjoy it with whatever sides and beverages you love. You can always enjoy the leftovers later.
I clicked on this story fully expecting (due to my own idiotic optimism) an explanation that the children would be sent to better, safer facilities specially designed for them. Or something about better conditions and resources for the children. With parental visitation of course.
Or, if you’re an animal whisperer, get the raccoons to take care of it for you.
Thanks for those references! We are planning to redo our yard/garden with native plantings to attract birds and beneficial insects. The native selections tend to be hardier too, so less watering is required. Yay!
I agree, her fans are excellent targets. They’re used to seeing the audience get freebies and prizes under their seats (“you get a car! and you get a car!”) so cash prizes for signing up online would be a natural fit.
It reminds me of kulning - the swedish art of calling cows.
Who knew chickens like watermelon?!?!?
Those soft furry paws! Those eyes!
... and if someone definitely wants a specific breed, they can always start with their local breed rescue.
The Dolphin Research Center down in the Keys, by any chance? They did have a couple Navy dolphins iirc.
As Caity Weaver used to say: thatz not okay! I hope it gets addressed soon by any Jezebel or Kinja powers that be.
I’ll join you at this table.
Holy moley, that all sounded oddly personal and vindictive. I hope that’s just a very dedicated and/or imbalanced troll and not someone who knows her in real life. I once had an online crazy person lock on target for reasons that are still unfathomable. It can be so unnerving. Jezebel has always seemed to have lots of…
That is exactly what I want to ask one of these guys: why do they oppose my ability to have coverage for the non-invasive, cheap medical treatment that could assist with my ovarian cysts? What specific deeply held moral beliefs do they have about cysts? Or acne, for that matter? Or symptoms of perimenopause? What the…
The man is a two-legged dark ages time warp.