The Return of Mrs. Pinkwhistle

I hope things aren’t getting too much worse for you in the Xmas homestretch. Have you watched Lady Dynamite? Last week was complete crap for me and I found that show on Netflix. Maria Bamford has managed to make a show about mental illness that is soooo hilarious, yet very smart, original, and not at all preachy.

I know what you mean. I went through a very dark time last spring and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend kept me from going over the edge, for real. The humor and musical numbers are great, but having a smart show written and performed by someone as talented as Bloom, that actually shows a modern woman’s p.o.v. (not some Hollywood

I think some people (like Dunham) operate under the delusion that they are ace judges of character. “If he was an abuser I’d know it.” File under: hubris.

One would think heat resistance is a defining feature of a container specifically designed to hold something that burns. Sorry about the stitches, good thing you weren’t badly burned!

That happens to be my husband’s favorite Christmas movie and we have to watch it every fucking year. If we ever get divorced, that’s why.