I like Smash ok, but I really fucking hate the fanbase. This game has literally every Smash character ever, plus a decent amount of new ones, and they’re still constantly disappointed by every single announcement.
I like Smash ok, but I really fucking hate the fanbase. This game has literally every Smash character ever, plus a decent amount of new ones, and they’re still constantly disappointed by every single announcement.
The switch has a better portability to it.
That said a cheap android tablet with a controller grip would serve you a LOT better then a switch will.
Oh to live in a world where “this thing happens a lot” is presented as justification for “this thing should continue happening”
Agreed. If you go home, train, turn from majestic Magikarp to destructive Gyarados, and absolutely destroy them, and they STILL don’t welcome you/ continue to belittle, then yes, they are a trash scene to the utmost extent—- personally, I would continue demolishing them for the sheer joy of wallowing in their misery.…
What does that even mean? I try to get my wife to play more online with me, but then I remember people suck ass.
I’ve done a few freelance gigs as a moderator for fighting game tournament Twitch streams, and just the fact that every time a woman competes, I have to spend several minutes banning anyone who says”trap”, WHICH IS EVERYONE, makes me think we’re still a LONG way off from being an area welcome to female gamers.
At a modern LAN cafe in downtown Manhattan, a teenager with floppy brown hair zones out to a Kingdom Come:…
Does Walmart count? Lots of interesting people come out of that place of wonderment.
Thank you for being an example of exactly what I’m talking about. The bottom feeding Nintendo zealot with a big brown smile of Reggie’s breakfast all around your lips. You are so stitched to the human centipede of Nintendo faith that you automatically think anyone who doesn’t have a Switch can’t afford one. It doesn’t…
I am so sick of devs being asked, every three seconds, about Switch versions of everything. This sort of port begging is absolutely disgusting. If they started asking them about PS4 versions for every Switch title, everyone would make a big stink about it, but since Nintendo can do no wrong to the Orthodox…
Mobile Suit...Super Famicom? Twitter user Ikkyu has been putting a classic gaming spin on Gundam models. The results…
As MegaBlastoise aluded to, “just something vibrating along the floor” is a grossly disingenuous description of this product, and is only even relevant to two or three of the ToyCons. You can certainly state your opinion all you want, but it is entirely based on your assumptions, some of which are already…
Even though it’s only one episode in, this season’s breakout anime looks like it could be Pop Team Epic.
For the 12th straight year I’ve made a list of the video games I’ve played in the past 12 months. I’ve tweaked the…
Sure, if you want to wear down the most likely point of failure on the console.
This is kinda funny because XBox Live and PSN usually are the ones to have this problem every Christmas. But this year it’s the Nintendo e-Shop. Says a lot about which way the wind is blowing.
Hey man, you and me both. Restarting Zelda wasn’t exactly high on my priority list, and it would have been nice to just update previous game data for something like MK8 versus having to just purchase the game again. But hey, whatcha gonna do? It’s very characteristically “Nintendo” at this point.
I sold my entire Wii U game collection along with the system, so it doesn’t really bother me having to purchase more optimized versions/sequels to previous games as they come out. Honestly, the only exact game I’ve re-purchased was Breath of the Wild; which I appreciate so much more on the go.
The way I see it, everything else worth playing got a re-release or is getting one in the near future. There’s no doubt in my mind that we’ll seem Smash and a new 2D Mario relatively soon.