
Nintendo UI has been trash since Wii, they are absolutely clueless when it comes to OS software. It can literally only do one thing at a time! You wann download a game and play a game or watch videos.....good luck

prob cant be done since you the motion +was required to gain energy holding it above your head like a nob! and then some bosses required perpendicular slices to kill it.

why even make a switch that underperforms with the same hardware as NVIDIA shield that can do 4k.....makes no sense to me


I think the opposite, devs don’t want to have to code for all that wacky stuff. This has been Nintendos downfall since the Wii. There is so much extra to code for. Since you cannot FORCE once playstyle on switch players, you have to code for all the gyros, accelerometers, touch screen and all the various styles of joyc

some do, hollow knight has give its 3DLC’s for free, as do most Microsoft games like halo and forza, tons of free content. 

heck yes! if all you want is ports, buy a tablet and hack it. most people are hacking switches ......I wonder why?

sure but let’s not forget its a port machine that makes you buy games over and over again, Xbox honors your purchases for over a decade. Yes, I cannot take my console with me but I also dont have to pay for games I already bought.

there is a cooling vent?

but the friend codes differ? how does one add a switch friend on xbox?

Def not an E3 winner, so much was lacking (missing Yoshi, StarFox and Metroid). Best / only good thing that was from the Nin house this time around was smash, it was a very underwhelming E3 again by Nintendo.

but less mobile by a long shot, that’s the problem, portability. 3DS can fit in a pocket (sometimes). The switch will never be Vita/DS mobility or as fun to use.

oh yes it is, you can’t deny it! The men are shitty to the men even, its so much chest pumping it’s ridiculous. I’m all about some trash talk, to a degree, but gaming, in general, is a boys-club that cannot be denied. Now I am not suggesting we get all hippie-dippie and dance around singing kumbaya! But, if we

You sir have said what I have been saying all along. Thank you ! I love the #nintendomove hash since they do this allllll the time. They never honor your purchases, nor discount their products. I wanted to pickup Mario kart on my wiiu since I never owned it. Still 60 effing dollars 😵 #nintendomove

or honor any previous purchases from older systems like xbox. I wish Nin had never killed the Club or POWER.

well lets see, what is the size of the PS4 game? the switch prob does not even have enough space to store it / run it. The chip cards are too small, the GPU / CPU cant run it......isn’t this game also online? so it would only work at home? Also, many other devs. have stated that they have to cut so much from the game,

you are speaking my language man! The reason is simple why massive games aren’t coming to switch.......its not strong enough. The games Nintendo makes for THEIR system....they DESIGN for THEIR system! Devs can make a game for PS4 / XBONE much easier because the architecture is similar and specs are similar / controls

if there stock is anything to gauge on, the dont have money in the bank. The top 3 gaming stocks to watch are Blizzard, Take-Two, and EA. For its a “we shall see” situation, I feel the hypetrain will run out of steam in the summer

well we all know what happened to the dreamcast, destroyed by better systems that came out after it. I personally dont see switch having staying power, most of its indies are released on steam and PS and Xbox, so all you can bank on is the portability. (again personal opinion)

Agreed! I just feel this is such a dumb thing! I agree with you “go ahead and buy it, it’s your money” BUT OMG! what Nin is wasting their time on? The Mini (recent) direct, was as disappointing as these cardboard contraptions.....just some 3DS games and more ports, and the “upcoming games” are just a bunch