
well yes and no. in terms of CPU the GC was indeed better, it just didn’t have the GPU to back it up, which is why many cross platform games look smudgier on the GC vs Xbox/PS2. If we take SC2 as a prime example, it looked just as good on all 3, I feel, just when games start chugging shaders and textures, GC would

Proud of you gaming dad! Only because I recently (over commented) on an article where a father blamed his lack of gaming on family life, and that I could not understand it (which is true). YOU have proven that you can still be a gamer and be an adult/dad. BRAVO!

100% true and that is what has closed me off to nintendo, I still have my wii (jail broken with all the best GC + wii titles) and my wiiU, for smash and mk8....maybe zelda at some point.

I didn’t even finish SS, it got me to the point where I realized Nintendo was not even trying anymore. Will always LOVE my GC and

it wasnt that, it was how his switch was his “..... on you garbage life” point he those who have become adults have had garbage lives? and it got out of hand, I reached out to him on twitter and apologized about my rant. I know it was long winded and dumb and I got out of hand, and I am sorry.

thats awesome! I just wish Nintendo would honor things you previously bought, but my guess is they never will

true, but they will make you buy it over again when I already have it, that is one of my chief complaints.

i got that from UD as well, I wasn’t deciding access or rights?

question so what is the story here? I see HYPERLIGHT, but who are the rest? and is switch getting hyperlight? looks neat!

Yoshi Island is simply amazing! art style, gameplay and story, touches my heart every time!

I am tempted since wiiU collects dust. However I only play smash and 3D Mario (as of now) which switch does not have yet.

bravo!!!! “The idea I am now stuck with whatever “experience” is on the Switch because I can also play on the subway, sounds depressing.” agreed 

Thank you for chiming in, a much more level headed reply than most. I have played a lot of switch and do not own one; nor will I. Nintendo practice of making me buy things again is too old and I wont go down that road a 3rd time (wii, wiiU).

BOTW is not for me, I dont like it, its too big, its not a zelda to me. I

HA nice! I remember the “poop” advertisement.

“And when I’m not preoccupied with adult life, it’s nice to be able to watch” a movie with my wife while playing Mario” my wiiU can do that. Again not discrediting its mobility, that was their chief selling point., for that its awesome! it is just not for me his “garbage life” comment bugged me the most, and I sorta


I too game on my 3DS love it to death! I love when you close it it hibernates the game you are playing.

DA! this is fun to read all the comments

Lived in San Francisco for four years, commuted on amtrack, MUNI and BART all the time for school and coming home....dont assume you know....and when you can barley stand and check your FB when there you are packed in like sardines, cant imagine having the space to wip out the switch. But I mentioned in my rant I was

well its true :D

that is great! I live close to work so zero commute time, again yes KIDS gobble up all the remaining time in ones lives, I have seen it in my sister, but you know what? they find time to have fun and play games....and maybe not everyone can achieve this balance, my rant got out of hand and yall are very attentive to