
I detest most of the assumptions made here, I am a diehard liberal and see no issue with this person. This child will, likely, grow up with a better understanding of how things function, their own physical abilities, and with proper educational interests to accompany this could easily parlay his experience into an

You mean the Resistance’s last Cruiser? Yeah, there’s a reason they don’t do that when they’re woefully undermanned and under equipped at every turn.

The First Order, however, might take some notes...

So I moved around a lot when I grew up, but there was one house in particular that was very very much haunted.  

I wanted to like this. I wanted to love it... but I found the first two episodes so intolerably dull I couldn’t go on. It had a very student film feel... like it had some interesting ideas, but was way too caught up in its characters endless day-to-day banalities (possibly due to budget).

Did I miss something? Did I

They actually address that later in the season after her death, lots and LOTS of debt.

Agreed! Honestly it doesn’t if the scientifically illiterate misquote articles, they are by definition an unreachable audience.

As a scientist I just have to say, I will stop publishing humorous articles when every one of your articles on Giz is exhaustively fact checked for a minimum of several months and then peer reviewed at least twice(by someone you have never met).

As a Cuban who had to leave that country because my family disagreed with the government (Oh it’s okay only my Uncle was shot for it).

Who the fuck said there was anything untrue about it? The point is that being accused of sexual assault while married isn’t an unusual cover story for them so why stop now?

...and was was untrue about it? So Bill Clinton WASN’T a serial womanizer while married?? And his wife DIDN’T disparage all of them regardless of the evidence? Did she ever apologize? So I guess Trump’s accusers are all telling the truth, but Hillary’s husband’s were not?

I am not arguing that at all, I am arguing that your argument that a 8 year lock up on federal funding (not private mind you) shows no knowledge of the science at the time, or the real projections for that science. In short, you fall into that class of people who knows enough science to think they know a lot, and in

You mistake my response. Stem cells (iPS AND Embryonic) are unstable, and a lot of the work done on them ended up creating tumors as a result of lack of control of the differentiation process (1 2 3 and 4). The solution to this is to develop a complimentary technology that allows for cell specific targeting and repair

This is, by far, a better morning after take than the ones over on The Slot that, so far, are only blaming Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, and their voters.

AND FUCK YOU to all of the Bernie supporters who started the cycle of Hillary hate, revved it up, warmed up that engine and then passed it right on to Trump.Fuck you for that. This means you “The Slot.” Your dumb ass is guilty as charged.

Boy that went full Shyamalan at the very end.

How frightening has it become in America that simply supporting the candidate from one of the to major parties in America is sufficient to cause him to be shunned by an entire industry? I mean, it’s not like we’re talking membership in the KKK or CPUSA. This is someone who’s thinking is in line with half of the

I don’t think you grasp how dangerous it is to normalize discrimination based on political beliefs.

I would kinda disagree with the thesis here. While I think the 787 is an engineering marvel and massive advancement for aviation, I think it’s nothing more than a trend of making smaller more efficient airplanes at the cost of passenger comfort and limited choice. The real plane they should be comparing here is not

But by all means, let’s continue to denigrate and shout down the folks who complain about media bias.

What if your boss then asked “Just what do you think you’re doing, Dave?”