

As someone who FINALLY is in PSLF, let me say it’s a absolute disaster of a program.

I do a lot of simulation academically, and let me just say, I find it hard to believe that it is greener to do real CFD work over a wind tunnel project. I have many hundreds of hours (for models that worked that I logged the time for) on a cluster in New England, and I am pretty sure the energy cost is significant if

That’s really good to know! If I could ask how did you end up finding the short sales? We’ve been doing some zillow stalking but so far it doesn’t seem to be easy to find any property like that.

So my wife and I have been living quite a bit outside of Boston (~ 1 hour of MA driving) for a few years, being around trees was important to us. Right before the pandemic had enough money to be able to afford a starter house in our area and I am really wishing we had moved faster even though the rates were much

The plan since June was really simple, let the students back and then, once refunds are no longer an option close campus. To make it so it’s not a “thing” make it clear that we had to close because the undergraduates were not responsible enough.

I am actually in the Moderna trial, so far it’s been pretty straightforward. I had a fever for a day and a half after getting it (I am hoping that means I am not in the placebo group) that I didn’t notice, and in theory it means I might be protected from the unwashed masses that is the freshman coming into my lab this

I worked for a coffee shop chain in the Boston area. Every Sunday morning at about 6:15 AM, an older gentleman, (Mid to late 60's, grey hair and decently dressed with a laptop bag) would come into the store and order a large black coffee with room. He would then take said coffee, go to our bathroom, and vomit red

So this is beyond not surprising. I went to college (and was assigned a room with) a guy who played at a national level. His behavior towards women then and now remains one of the reasons we rarely speak. I remember going to a tournament with him and listening to him wax poetic about how women just want to be negged.

So I work in medical and I just want to say this article kind of misses a lot of the reason many of us do. Additionally, and this may be crazy to you, doctors are people too, we have wants and needs, and many of us do stupid things like work at a teaching institution for 30% less pay than if we were in a exclusive

So you mentioned one of my favorite brands and just passed over it.

The issue with this approach though is that everyone is not entitled to an entities money. I appreciate many, and forgive me for being blunt, unemployable people see this as a way to make a living, but it wasn’t designed for this.

For context on that tweet. the particles are 100 nm across. (Smaller than a flu virus) This is a problem, but science is still science. Include the relevant information when you post graphics that researchers made.

Go to the touristy areas as early as humanly possible or, right before closing.

Counter point. I work in the medical space, the total cost for my education was ~250k.

That trolley in Spanish is not “El tinting”. I was in college visiting some friends and we were talking about going into the city and I recommended catching the green line and conversation ground to a halt.

I get that we have issues with the administration and immigration, but I have to put my foot down on this one. Using the tragic death of a man and his child to push fucking backlinks to your content is beyond fucking gross.

There is a catch there. I was covered for 2/3 of my PhD but when a grant dried up I was given negative warning I would need financial aid to cover the gap. What really pissed me off though was as a candidate you’re required to have x “research” credits to remain full time as a student. During that time I was literally

Invest in a good set of pipe clamps if you're doing anything more than small projects. These small guys slip

Invest in a good set of pipe clamps if you're doing anything more than small projects. These small guys slip

So for us the concern is really schools (for our nonexistant offspring) and our work. We’re both in hardware development so remote would be difficult.