
And yet Elon will never notice you.

They should charge a flat yearly fee of like, $100 or 1% of the balance to administer the loan, then waive all the interest.

Can I just say that someone that works in the Energy industry(mostly renewable in the past) and has been deeply involved in both the waste question and fusion(including very tangentially ITER): this article is awful, preachy, badly researched and full of emotive opinions with a poor evidence base.

As someone who does research, this physically pains me to read. This is similar logic to what people are using to argue the death rate “is lower than we think”.

You’ve responded to me twice with insults, totally unprovoked. Not only that, you can’t come up with an objectively justifiable reason for doing so. Yet you give the impression that you think you are taking the high road in this exchange? Laughable.

I didn’t do test math on a $150,000 house because I was thinking about y’all in the Bay Area and in Boston :) :( 

Dude, automation is good. What are you smoking. Having a robot do a shitty job is better than having a person doing busy work.

I find it hard to support a CEO who makes other peoples tragedies into PR

Jesus, the comments here are depressing:

“In the U.S., you could have a meeting of tooling engineers and I’m not sure we could fill the room. In China, you could fill multiple football fields.”

they tried to over complicate it, without first understanding how it would affect things. 20 overlapping coils is going to cause some funky EM cross resonance, plus charging coils by there very nature heat up, and its not a lot of space for 3 concurrent coils to be running. It could work, with some concessions or

Jesus. Holy shit. Please don’t bother to read mine. 

This was never supposed to be this long, but I found this strangely therapeutic...

*quietly folds up Three Ingredient Cocktail suggestion*

No one warns you about all the oozing and dripping from all the different places. Tbere were days when i went throgh soooo many nursing pads...