
It’s actually a mix, We’re a weird country population wise (Incredibly large for a developed country at ~320M which puts us about 4x the size of germany over 27x the landmass) We’re out testing most of the world by numbers, but not per capita, which makes this a bigger challenge.

As someone who does research, this physically pains me to read. This is similar logic to what people are using to argue the death rate “is lower than we think”.

Counter point, I own a small company and we’ve completely spilled all our money into making PPE. I highly doubt we’ll make it through this time as we work in developing countries normally and the US govt has therefore decided we won’t get bailout money, but that’s not stopping us from making Shields with our molds. Oh

So I work in medical and I just want to say this article kind of misses a lot of the reason many of us do. Additionally, and this may be crazy to you, doctors are people too, we have wants and needs, and many of us do stupid things like work at a teaching institution for 30% less pay than if we were in a exclusive

So I have to ask, is anyone else worried that the Trump administration suddenly (Like last 6 months) has gotten decent at playing modern politics? I feel like we’ve gone from his normal nonsense to ads and strategy which are on par with a modern campaign. This is hella concerning for the election. 

So while I love how it’s made, they aren’t exactly cutting edge production (normally we don’t televise brand new product spec until it is ready for market). I’m seeing some papers from 2018 suggesting 2mm diameter bends are now possible.

So you mentioned one of my favorite brands and just passed over it.

So on the plastic trash bit I am going to pseudo agree (though I also have a bone to pick with consumerism in general, and energy cost of “reusable” items that don’t actually get reused.)

So there is something worth mentioning here sick animals will often eat trash because they cannot get food. The reason the scientists can’t determine cause of death is not because they don’t understand that plastic would be bad for the animal, it is because they have a clear understanding for how this stuff works for

This argument is a bit stale once you get out of highschool.

Hi, medical field here.

Just gonna say it, Boston native, and someone quite active in the tech space. This is the lowest hanging fruit of what that lab is “making up”. I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing tech come out of the media lab which was WIDELY marketed and adored because it came out of MIT, with little to no foundation in real

The issue with this approach though is that everyone is not entitled to an entities money. I appreciate many, and forgive me for being blunt, unemployable people see this as a way to make a living, but it wasn’t designed for this.

I agree, I had a friend recommend it and I was really interested by the premise but it never sucked me in. I feel like a crazy though because everyone seems to love it.

For context on that tweet. the particles are 100 nm across. (Smaller than a flu virus) This is a problem, but science is still science. Include the relevant information when you post graphics that researchers made.

Oh good, another day, another plastics article brought to you by someone from the wonderful world of the “Look it’s scary” approach to science. I love it showing up on a tech blog.

Go to the touristy areas as early as humanly possible or, right before closing.

Counter point. I work in the medical space, the total cost for my education was ~250k.

As a “new” engineer (I only have a decade in the field and I teach so I’m an odd duck), this has become one of the biggest sticking points for me.

It took me two readings to put my finger on it, but I finally figured it out. You didn’t ask a single scientist/Engineer what they thought about the future. You mostly asked historians outside of industry. These are sometimes fun, but a lot of this is off base.