
That trolley in Spanish is not “El tinting”. I was in college visiting some friends and we were talking about going into the city and I recommended catching the green line and conversation ground to a halt.

I get that we have issues with the administration and immigration, but I have to put my foot down on this one. Using the tragic death of a man and his child to push fucking backlinks to your content is beyond fucking gross.

There is a catch there. I was covered for 2/3 of my PhD but when a grant dried up I was given negative warning I would need financial aid to cover the gap. What really pissed me off though was as a candidate you’re required to have x “research” credits to remain full time as a student. During that time I was literally

Two cents here, there is no such thing as a foot, or a slug or even an lbf.

Invest in a good set of pipe clamps if you're doing anything more than small projects. These small guys slip

Invest in a good set of pipe clamps if you're doing anything more than small projects. These small guys slip

So for us the concern is really schools (for our nonexistant offspring) and our work. We’re both in hardware development so remote would be difficult.

Median” in my area is a 650k house, (precursor googling) less is possible if we settle for dense units, but even as far up as Lowell houses are going for 900k+. 

It just feels a lot more daunting when 200k is a down payment for a house

So there aren't 200k houses for 250 miles of my current location. How about for those of us who live in New England where house cost is around 3-4x that

Except BPA isn’t really that bad for you and like so many other studies has been blown out of proportion because normal people don’t understand how foods work.

Right out of college I was close with one of my friends, I was at her wedding after graduation, I was in grad school when her first kid was born, and I even babysat him while she and her husband went on dates a few times.

It’s stuff like this that makes it hard for “young” medical entrepreneurs to find funding early on in their careers.

I had the chance to watch a presentation on this recently and is actually amazing how they have gotten to the testing standard.

Because plastic is one of the safest most sustainable ways to package food and is responsible for saving hundreds of millions of lives.

So I actually bought one of these for my sister when she went off to college and I do want to point one thing out.

Also side note on this, I have to say that after getting it I got the newsletters and I have NOT been a fan of the company sending out a letter being like “if only this person who was horribly assaulted had our device”. 

So Biologically gender is a great thing that helps with ensuring that species are able to continually evolve and select for higher level traits. Societal gender roles are not the same thing as biological structures designed to transfer genetic information efficiently.

I hate this. I work in a production facility and the farce of automation “taking over the job market” is ridiculous. A lot of the jobs being automated are middle of the road “white collar” jobs.

I do medical work in developing countries, I hear this a lot from US citizens complaining about rural regions/our homeless but you can’t even begin to comprehend what some regions have to deal with. Our homeless aren’t getting Malaria and dying in the street for want of $0.05 in drugs for example.

So I’ve actually worked on a few projects that actively put people out of a job, but I have to say, a lot of the issue was their unwillingness to learn new skills/ do their job right in the first place which made it a non-issue for me.