That's a difficult thing to gauge exactly as it manifests in very different ways to the kind of racism that as a Westerner we normally would expect.
That's a difficult thing to gauge exactly as it manifests in very different ways to the kind of racism that as a Westerner we normally would expect.
Yes, I taught at a Japanese elementary school here in the US. What that means is that the school had a Japanese culture emphasis and they had Japanese language classes. I had a substitute teacher once who asked the class, who here is Japanese? Some hands went up and then the class erupted with the kids accusing each…
Yes, but because she was biracial and "looked" more white but personally identified as black, she struggled when she was pigeon-holed to appear/act/identify more "white" to appeal to the masses for her debut. She was dating Tommy Mattola back then (who she eventually married) and a lot of her background singers back…
I'm just going to throw this out there but most European nations should be the last people being smug about racism. When it gets so bad that you're required to put up signs/ads saying stop racism in your stadiums you know you've got some issues.
Some people are black enough for the bigots to hate some of the time.
What? This is a first. I usually hear that Asians are fetishized to the point of it being creepy, but now its that Asian beauty isn't accepted? Hot, is hot, is hot, regardless of the color of your skin.
If you read enough comments here, you will certainly see that Canadians, British, Swedish—you name it—commenters firmly believe racism ONLY exists in the US.
Poor Zeppo Jonas. Live every day like it's your 10,000, you unremarkable quasi-celebrity butterfly.
If I went to buy a car, and Ted Cruz was the salesman, I'd figure I was finally in a universe that made sense (as long as all the positions were already taken by members of the Cheney family wherein one pulls mammoth boulder-like clogs of cooking fat and used anal wipes, from the sewer system.)
My long-standing love for Albert Brooks never fails to reward me.
no but I did
1. Get mistaken for a female prostitute
2. Got 2nd degree burns form a pop tart
3. Hit Tony Hawk in the face with a poster.
4. Made national news for swearing at BYU
5. learned how to make home made reeses
so i mean, i've got my list of accomplishments too
I checked my days and today is 12001. So basically I totally wasted my 12000th day and I'll never get that back. :(
Poor Kevin Jonas - wasn't the cute one, wasn't the one who ended up having a career. He's just kind of the Adrift Jonas. I'll allow him his 10,000 day celebration.
fuck this jackass. Also you KNOW he thinks hes sounding so goddamn smart in this statement. Its such typical "I'm in college at the moment and obviously know everything" bs. I MEAN GUYS HE USED THE TERM "SEXUAL MORES." HES SO SMART.
I don't think satire means what fratbro thinks it means.
It's just stuff that guys do, you know. The human beings in the photos being violated and publicly humiliated don't even factor in. Just bros doing bro shit.
So from this part: " Here's a quick reality check: everyone — from Bill Clinton to your grandfather to every Greek organization in the nation does the same old stuff, just as they have been for the entirety of human history."
The fire of indignant, misplaced self-righteousness that looks to ruin people's lives and unjustly ruin reputations is the abuse and violation that should be at the center of discussion