
I am also tired of the argument that Republicans will be in power again and the filibuster will be our only weapon. Bullshit. Get rid of gerrymandering and make voting accessible to all. You will not have these problems.  Enshrine it in law and let them try to sue you.  Republicans don’t give a shit about playing

What a surprise.

Loki is actually a wizard.

Specifically and GLEEFULLY

Honestly, I’d be into a 150 HP version.

I’m just a Soul whose intentions are good. Oh Lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood.

Maybe they’ll do like VW and do random small changes during the production run so you can ID when a mail truck was built, “That’s a 2025 as in 2024 they had the 5 diode bulb and 2026 the 4 diode, the 7 diode was only used that one year of production.”

When I saw the first photos yesterday I thought there was something familiar about the looks of these new postal vans but I couldn’t lay my finger on it. Seeing/reading this article today made me realize what it was: the VDL Procity!

There are plenty of things we need in the United States, but we are now beholden to a dark god of “revenue”: Unless something directly generates revenue, it is of zero importance to those in the United States.

Jesus. You’re trying a little to hard to be an edgelord on Jalopnik of all places.

One side literally just stormed the US capitol, erected gallows, and threatened to hang politicians. So no, I have zero desire for unity with anyone who supported that, and the fact that we still have politicians who defend it is disgusting.

So, what rhymes with Kaepernick?

The Nissan Murano Convertible is the Jeep Wrangler 95% of Jeep Wrangler drivers would be more happy driving.

This right here is the thing of it for the whole world right now.

Just tax gas.

Why not a battle between good and evil, centered on Snake Mountain, home of the Horde.”

I asked for the Transformers that you could put together into a giant Autobot like Voltron. I got Go-Bots instead. Not because my parents were too poor to buy the real thing, but because my Mom didn’t understand the difference. I look back now, and I’m happy they loved me and bought me presents. A lot of kids didn’t

LOOOOOVED my Snoopy Sno Cone.

I grew up on 2 Live Crew and Uncle Luke. This shit is almost tame by comparison. Especially since the official video on Youtube is a radio edit. What the fuck is wrong with people?