
Hey everyone,

“Human Energy”

Hopefully Minneapolis will be paying to have these tires replaced and identifying and firing these officers.

This is always the argument they use to justify shooting every dog they see.

If police can destroy private property because it could be used as a weapon, then they can destroy pretty much anything they want. Th argument is absurd on its face. Hopefully Minneapolis will be paying to have these tires replaced and identifying and firing these officers.

A lot of people protesting could have jobs or relatives at risk if their identities were known. Along with anonymity, the idea is not to have your $800+ iPhone damaged, stolen or destroyed.

Here is my problem: Its not like the first wave is even remotely close to being over. Here in California there has been an average of over 1000 new cases. Every single day. The reality is that those are just reported cases and the liklihood is there’s far more actual cases.  Opening up right now seems like a desperate

This movie is weird in only a way an early-to-mid-90s film can be. It promoted itself as this super hardcore star vs star action movie, and it turned out to be more of a goofy sci fi comedy with very little action until the climax.

How did you write this article without mentioning the three seashells and absence of toilet paper?

... because Dune knows it’s not a good thing.

The rare earth metals problem is a big problem, but it’s peanuts compared to the fossil fuels problem. One is a humanitarian and environmental crisis, the other is an existential threat to our entire global society.

People want to do dangerous things. Nothing will keep them from doing dangerous things. Providing an outlet like this greatly diminishes the chance of OTHERS getting hurt from these actions. Seems like a win/win. Idiots get to be dangerous, innocent bystanders (those choosing not to be involved) stay safe.

Just take the criticism and sit with it why don’t you?

2nd Gear: The whole Ghosn saga is an object lesson in what rich people can get away with just because they’re rich. The dude embezzled millions of dollars from a company and managed to just run away scott free, while an average person would go to jail for shoplifting. It’s absolutely absurd.

Hey now, that’s prime real estate. We can’t have modestly priced apartments attracting the poors near our multi-million dollar pads.

The problem is that religious conservatives are adults who never grew out of childish binaries. It’s why they need the threat of eternal damnation and promise of eternal life to be motivated to be good people.

Just like the automobile lead to the extinction of the horse.

cars driven on public roads should no be anything more than ‘transportation conveyances’

For me, it’s Ana Ng or Hotel Detective.