
JBT then unhinges his jaw and swallows the entire boot

What you have to understand about Conservatism is at its core, it is about preserving an in-group protected by the law but not bound by it, and an out-group bound by the law but not protected by it.

He's identifying the client's class in the hierarchy.

Rolling coal when a person is in the vicinity and when the individual rolling coal intentionally or knowingly causes that excess exhaust to contact that bystander is AT A MINIMUM an assault. They are causing their vehicle to “spit” on a living, breathing, human being that is worthy of dignity and not having his or her

it doesnt help traffic at all. the only thing that does is eliminating stops. 190 in central tx went from 2 lanes to 3 and rush hour lasted just as long. then they built a loop around copperas cove and you can barely tell when people get off work. they also changed the exits from ft hood and made the exits turn into

They obviously didn’t yank on the straps and say “yeah that ain’t going anywhere” before they drove off. #1 rule of securing a load.

It’s an extremely great habit that the rest of Hollywood should learn from. The reason you see a lot more folks put their pronouns in bios etc is because none of us should assume anyones’ gender. This helps normalize it for everyone.

Pebble wasn’t a failed gadget. If anything it was a failed company, the watches were awesome.

Devils advocate. Does it matter if going out once to get something to eat pollutes more than the production of such a Diamond? I’m all for a sustainable world, but If it’s such a small fragment of the overall pollution, I’d rather ignore this one and rather not have small children mine for Diamonds in Africa.

There’s an Fantastic Four movie in the works. They’ve never made a live-action FF movie before so it’s exciting.

Ah, yes. Heiferweizen, I think it’s called.

Ahh, the Saturday morning classic...

If I remember back to biology class, sometimes when two wheels get together, sometimes the undesirable traits match up and low and behold something new is born.

Everything about them is a contradiction.

There does not need to be individual intent for systemic issues to be racist; that’s the entire concept of structural racism. Some oil executive isn’t sitting down and going “let’s put the refinery here because I hate black people.” They put the refineries where land is cheapest and the neighbors don’t have the

Completely discounting the entire field of study of Environmental Justice because you feel somehow personally attacked that, hey, maybe the most important, most damaging megacorporations in the United State of America might also be a part of the structural racism we live in every day, is bush-league cowardice.

I have to respectfully disagree and point out that voter ID laws are objectively racist in that they disproportionately effect poor communities of color.

Hoo boy. The left has spent at least the last decade trying to push legislation that addresses all of this, and have been pretty fucking vocal about transitioning oil jobs into renewable jobs... it’s just going to require training.

Can’t wait for that dude to die

Performance is a relative word, and the new benchmark is range instead of 0-60 time.