
The point is to move people and goods. Using personal motor vehicles on roads, as it turns out, requires ever-expanding roads. Instead of feeding the system that does not work, those resources must be directed toward systems that DO work.

I like to wear my jorts when I drive my jar.

I imagine it would sound a lot louder on Earth; a thin atmosphere like Mars’ doesn’t transmit sound waves as efficiently as ours does

My Kia Soul is nicknamed “Night Train” for tune by the GFoS!

Awesome - I love my Kindle, but in a decade of having one, I’ve only bought a handful of books. Having OverDrive integration straight from the device would be a game-changer! When my Paperwhite dies, I’ll be checking this out.

My gearheaded friends: imagine how much less we’d need police if speed limits were enforced by a governor (that you could turn off for track days), traffic lights were enforced by camera, and highway patrols were just techs who’d help you replace that burnt-out brakelight at the next service station.

I am 100% in favor of this scenario.

This, but unironically.

Their hot italian links are pretty darn good, imho.

I’m holding out for Syndicated Superboy ‘88 to save the day...

I’m dying for a Torch/Randall Munroe collaboration now.

You will not go to space today.

When we bought our house in 2007, it came with a not-quite-functional hot tub on a deck that badly needed re-decking. Rather than deal with it, I put it up on Craigslist for free to anyone who wold take it so we could start our deck rehab plan.

That’s cruel.

Neutral: the ability to easily exceed the speed limit.

The eggs you eat are not embyos; they are not fertilized. They're a chicken period.

Sorry you can’t wrap your head around it, but it’s nonethless true. That’s the thing about reality and the science that describes it: it doesn’t care what you think.

Most pedestrian crashes don’t happen at missile speeds; they happen at slowish right-on-red-through-a-crosswalk speeds where bumper design, hood height, etc. make the difference between death and survival, and between maiming and ow-hey-I’m-walking-here. This is an offroad toy and should not be street legal.


Just gave you a star with mine!

Just gave you a star with mine!