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I want the Coconut Clip Clop from Monty Python’s Search for the Holy Grail.

If he really was worried about the effect of fear on Americans then he wouldn’t have spent so much time whipping up fear, anger, and divisions just to consolidate his grip on power. He’s have been talking togetherness, compassion, understanding and conciliation instead. The only reason so much of the country was

Well what should they call it, the Acura Throatwobbler Mangrove?

For some reason, we are so worried about civility. I mean its not like colonists didn’t tar and feather loyalists, or tip a shit ton of tea into the ocean to protest the crown🤷‍♀️

I mean...what is Biden doing that merits a fluffing?

LMFAO get the fuck outta here with this trash

I gotta come back here for one more thing:

It’s extremely frustrating how if anyone takes any stance on firearms other than completely unfettered access to every firearm ever conceived, you are “ANTI-GUN.”

I listen to NPR over the air pretty much all the time. So I guess I am no one.

There’s two reasons: systemic sexism and anti-intellectualism. She’s smarter than 95%+ of the electorate, which makes a majority of people hate her because they think that any sign of intelligence is either elitist or insulting to them; and of course the underlying fear and hatred of successful, outspoken women.

“Critics find her...” is code for a rhetorical construct created by those who fear her very strength. Warren doesn’t lack charisma; to the contrary, she’s got it in abundance, and that’s precisely why this canard is repeated constantly - to convince people that they’re not seeing the very qualities they are seeing.

Charisma is useful for getting elected, but it doesn’t appear to have much advantage when it comes to governing.  See also “authenticity.”  We as a polity have some really messed up prioties in terms of what qualities we value in people who are vying for important jobs.

How to disarm America: Require all weapon owners to carry a minimum $1m liability policy for each weapon they own, with non-compliance being a Class A misdemeanor (6mo-1y, >$100k). At the same time, implement a generous over-market-value buyback program.

I guarantee you there’s far fewer deaths in our “concentration camps” than would have other wised perished under the care of their “parents”. 

You know that scene in Groundhog Day where Bill Murray’s character is desperately trying to recreate a spontaneous snowball fight that had happened on one of his earlier ‘days’ .And just ended up running around ,fake laughing, trying to look excited but just looking terribly desperate . Well thats the VMAs.

I don’t get why there’s such a drive to defend the right for everyone to drive everywhere all the time. The high rate of car ownership hasn’t been around since the inception of the USA, or other countries, and it wasn’t around for the majority of the 20th century either. Car ownership really kicked up in the early

Thank you for this write up. Its perfect and ill just link to it when i see some racist asshole (is there any other kind?) on Nextdoor cite this WSJ post.

I have long thought that LEDs could be used to enhance car-to-car communication. “Your high beams are on”, or “you have a flat tire”, or “your Murano convertible is hideous with those eyelashes

I get why they’d choose 45, but isn’t that sort of a toxic association right now?