ret3’s from Atlanta, right? Amazing how hard it is to come up with something! (When I lived in Kentucky, RC cola was the thing. Nobody really drank Coke. I’m old and I was young, so that would have been in the early-to-mid sixties.)

I was going to say shitty banjo music but then I remembered even the banjo was invented by Africans.

Oh, because the so-called “pro-life” brigade clutches their pearls at the suggestion of such an activity - so it’s prohibited, even for genuinely useful research.

True, but forced birthers get squeamish about it.

“BRC owner Stephen Gore...”

As I mention at the end of the post, this photoshop incident isn’t a big deal. But we’ll take any small victory these days when American teens are being placed in concentration camps and lose 20 pounds over a few weeks because they got picked up for being the wrong color.

Then you can’t trust anyone, since NASA doesn’t have a perfect record, either. But this is the reason we have tests, to find these kinds of errors before a human’s life is on the line. Nothing made by humans will ever be perfect, but having someone die is bad for business, so I’m pretty sure they will be doing their

You know, the Navy has one simple request. And that is to have ships with frigate laser beams attached to their decks.

“Come along, dear. I don’t have a million dollars.”

I think we have to remember the late 90s were a different era, and things... well, it’s honestly like that Portlandia skit: The dream of the 90s is alive in Portland.

I think Iacocca was ahead of the curve on the butter substitute, too. RIP, sir, and thank you.

Quartz is actually pretty cheap - still not as cheap as laminated counter-tops but close.

TPMS that doesn’t give pressure readouts, I check them but it is nice to know if a tire is suddenly low and knowing if need to stop immediately, go to next exit, or keep going, instead all I get is the fucking idiot light. I have 3 different screens(2 cluster plus infotainment) in my car and not one will tell me the

Sirrus  radio. Who the hell is going to pay for radio.

“It was planned.”

Oh man, I really wish there had been a comma after chicken. I didn’t ever want to have to come to this realization.

Volvo and Audi a correct, Volvo is latin for “I roll” and Audi means listen.

Actually, as long as they keep the rooster out.. eggs are just eggs.   My wife had a duck for a while (don’t ask, I can’t figure it out).  She would lay eggs and defend them and sit on them all the time.   And then after a while, she would figure out that since there wasn’t a Drake around, they were not going to

They’ll tell you the distinction is that vegetarians are people who just won’t eat anything that was live and was killed, while vegans shun anything from animals altogether.