
Welcome to Gilead, people.

I agree with the first part, but after last night I’d love to see a Warren Castro ticket. We’ll see how my feelings on this change after the second and future debates!  

Like someone who makes an excellent Governor with a split State House.

Elizabeth Warren is still my one of my two current top choices but I thought Julian Castro acquitted himself extremely well. I really liked a lot of what he had to say. Screw Beto running for Senate in Texas, I want to see Castro in that fight.

Not only does Warren support universal healthcare, she actually has a plan on how to implement it. You psychotic Bernie Bro’s are pretty unhinged 

Do you take Bernie’s women comments out of context?

Yes but a progressive DA can utilize their power to choose which laws to heavily enforce and which to lightly enforce. DAs have IMMENSE power in deciding how to utilize the laws on the books.

That was my immediate thought reading the headline, lol

Got my hopes up

I am tired of the Netflix Marvel shows and their need to always be gritty and grounded. I don’t want people to always have the worst happen to them because they made bad decisions or in spite of attempts at being good. Interesting drama can happen without everything constantly being The Worst.

So like Mountain Dew?

Most Improbable Scenes in Advertising:

^Dumbest dumbfuck any of us will come across this month.

CA is the single biggest auto market; With other states joining their standards, automakers take their lead and build to their regs — ie, a single variant.

Those are clearly speed holes. And you call yourself an auto-journalist, pfft!

Debates in general are utterly pointless. We saw last year Hillary wiped the floor with Trump literally every single time, and look how much that mattered.

Civil rights are always very important.

by telling the guy arguing “we cannot improve healthcare for all americans, in a way every other first world country already has, because that might negatively impact my vast wealth” to fuck off, op