
Don’t forget GEO in that mish mash.

Bye bye Miss American Pie drove my Ford to the Fjord but the Fjord was dry.

Because living in a brick McMansion 5-10 miles from anything of interest and the most culturally significant thing in the area being the first McDonalds in the metro suburban area sounds like actual hell to me.

Everywhere you live has something shit about it. NYC is a fucking spectacular place to live. Why do you think people are willing to spend so much per square foot just to live there?  The NYC juice is worth the squeeze 

Did you know that if you wrap a straw man in a fallacy of composition and then douse it in politics that it still doesn’t constitute a valid fucking premise?

It’s pretty well understood that traffic increases to fill available road capacity, so not expanding the highways is completely reasonable if your goal is to reduce the number of cars driving. If they expanded the lanes, it would still take 45 minutes to drive 7 miles, because there’d be 30% more cars stuck in traffic.


So cost per mile might be cheaper for personal ownership, but especially in the case of SF, I’m guessing they didn’t take into account the cost of storing said car.  My friend who lives in an apartment there spends a few hundred a month to even park his car in the apartment garage.  Home costs are through the roof,

The more efficient we become at killing terrorists without harming innocent bystanders, the less incentive we have to change the policies that result in people becoming terrorists (mainly the support for backwards, corrupt, or sometimes outright murderous regimes because they’re friendly to our investors, allied

I have a 2007 Element with almost 210K miles and I approve this message because nothing else will ever be good enough (sigh)

Those are either only available in big cities or prohibitively expensive to use on a daily basis. 

Great, I hope this becomes the norm.

I have a 17 mazda 3, and for some reason the gauge cluster has a giant tach right in the middle. OOO SPORTY except my car is an automatic, so I almost never look at that.

I also see a lot of people say analog is better because it lets you quickly see where the needle is. I never

it’s worth remembering that the “New Economy” is really an attempt to reverse the numerous progressive developments which occurred during the 20th Century. Whether you examine unionization, air and water pollution, employee benefits, consumer safety or just about any other significant economic development over the

I’d easily prefer a Moneypenny series over a Pennyworth one.

“There’s two kinds of economists: the ones who get airtime for saying what the rich want us poors to hear...”

Higher prices on Chinese-goods= less buying of Chinese goods.

Right.. Next you’re going to say we want to wean ourselves off cheap produce picked my immigrants.

Our culture of abundance is highly dependent on Chinese made goods. Higher prices on Chinese goods might mean marginally more US made goods, but overall, it means less stuff. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it will be a wake-up call for the average US consumer as we all adjust to having less.