
I love that it’s a sequel/re-telling. No need to mess with the original, as its an artifact that works best in its time and within the context of the Reagan era. Seems like a good idea to use the Watchmen universe to reflect how our own world is in some ways worse off than it was in the 80s. I mean of course white

As much as the past 2 years of political chaos has sucked, there’s a certain schadenfreude in watching Trump’s staggering mediocrity give equally mediocre young men just enough rope to hang themselves.

A quick look at your comment history demonstrates that you aren’t asking this in good faith. Why not fuck off to someplace else? 

I’m glad that you included the part about how (many) TERFs believe that trans women are somehow the “sleeper agents” of the patriarchy, sent on suicide missions to bust up women’s spaces. There’s plenty of this kind of bigotry-induced nuttiness online, and I think it’s important to bring that stuff to light so that

If the evolution of your beliefs results in you becoming natural allies with the worst of humanity, it might be time to give those beliefs a hard look.

Because the bulk of people don’t even really know what tariffs are, let alone how they’re applied. And because it’s hidden in the prices of things rather than paid directly, it doesn’t directly effect them enough to merit further study by most. Tax policy isn’t exactly exciting in any form.

No one who understands how economics work really believes this; however, the lesser-educated part of the current administration’s voting base does. It is easier for a person to believe what they want to hear than accept the truth, and someone with a high school education working in a red-state factory that is

Ill buy 2 if VW offers that color scheme and calls it "Razzle Dazzle"

Counter-argument: Professor Hulk is fun for a few jokes, but ultimately boring because there is no longer any tension within the character. The struggle has been resolved, and without the struggle there is no drama. That’s fine for an isolated story, but greatly reduces his story potential in a serialized format. This

*Dramatic re-enactment*
Cop 1: I hear colored people with raised voices.
Cop 2: You are reporting a domestic altercation. Let’s investigate this crime.

One likes horses; the other likes iron horses.

*checks with toddler*

more trainlopnik please

Maybe they just need one more customer satisfaction survey.

Am I the only person wondering wth happened to Sharon Carter..? 

I seriously would kill to see a Luis re-telling of the entire MCU saga.
That this wasn’t how Scott was brought up to speed after he was returned from the quantum realm is the film’s greatest shortcoming.

Where was Luis...?

Will Pepper Potts take over the mantle as Iron Person?

Luis only has the power of great exposition.